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2017 tOSU Offense Discussion



Winning the line of scrimmage, on either side of the ball, largely determines which team will win or lose a game.

When you watch Ohio State's tape from a season ago, its two losses (Penn State and Clemson) featured the Buckeye offensive line getting constantly pushed back into its own backfield.

So far this season, that hasn't been the case.

The Buckeyes rank in the top-20 nationally in both rushing (20th, 238.80 yards per game) and passing offense (13th, 326.0 ypg), and a lot of that has to do with the Ohio State offensive line, particularly the left side.

Speaking after practice on Wednesday, offensive line coach Greg Studrawa was asked how comfortable he was in the left side of his offensive line, led by Jamarco Jones at left tackle, in a short-yardage situation. His face instantly lit up.

“Him and Michael (Jordan) and Billy (Price), that is a pretty strong left side," Studrawa said.

Entire article: https://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio...ch-greg-studrawa-confidence-in-key-situations
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You saw all of this coming in the early hours following the Oklahoma ambush.

The false sense of security blanketing the Ohio State football program was in the forecast all along. Sweet, comforting statistics from West Point via Army's Not Even Trying to Pass offense arrived, as scheduled. Vegas brought four players to town who might have fit on Ohio State's roster, along with 49 who absolutely wouldn't. And God bless Rutgers, which *deep inhale* is still Rutgers.

Everything got better, as expected. And there are doubts due to the degree of difficulty, as expected.


Johnnie Dixon scores on a classic Fat Kid route.

Ohio State currently features the nation's 13th-ranked passing offense and 20th-ranked rushing offense. It is 12th in passing efficiency and 5th in total offense. Following those rare drives when the offense fails to get points, it punts - and Ohio State is 13th nationally in net punting. We'll get to the skyrocketing defensive statistical rankings in a bit.

J.T. Barrett breaks another Ohio State or Big Ten record each week, which means every Saturday he is putting more space between himself and the next best legend. He's currently 6th nationally in Points Responsible For among all FBS players, which seems kind of high for a guy a lot of fans still want benched. Zone 6 may still drop several gimme passes per game, but it's now catching more and YACing with gusto.

Entire article: https://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-state-football/2017/10/86138/the-situational-learning-to-fly
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I'm a bit late, but salty JT is so good

And in typical JT fashion, he still showed far more grace then the situation deserved. That must be the third time in two weeks that one media outlet badgered an OSU rep absurdly and then after it imploded they sheepishly argued that what fans think. It didn't work any better on Urban.

Moments like that show you why JT leads this team. His command of that situation is stellar. He's dealing with a troll and one deserving of spectacular rebuke. Does he sink to his level and give him the response he wants ? No. Does he let him have control of the conversation ? No. He addresses it directly and furthermore, uses it to extensively break down what actually transpires behind the scenes. He met the troll head on, maintained his composure, answered it directly and provided a dose of sensibility into a question that had none.
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And in typical JT fashion, he still showed far more grace then the situation deserved. That must be the third time in two weeks that one media outlet badgered an OSU rep absurdly and then after it imploded they sheepishly argued that what fans think. It didn't work any better on Urban.

Hey, Ari's the only guy on the OSU beat at The Athletic and he has a five article a day quota to meet.
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I'm a bit late, but salty JT is so good

And in typical JT fashion, he still showed far more grace then the situation deserved. That must be the third time in two weeks that one media outlet badgered an OSU rep absurdly and then after it imploded they sheepishly argued that what fans think. It didn't work any better on Urban.

Moments like that show you why JT leads this team. His command of that situation is stellar. He's dealing with a troll and one deserving of spectacular rebuke. Does he sink to his level and give him the response he wants ? No. Does he let him have control of the conversation ? No. He addresses it directly and furthermore, uses it to extensively break down what actually transpires behind the scenes. He met the troll head on, maintained his composure, answered it directly and provided a dose of sensibility into a question that had none.

It's getting ridiculous. The problem with passing the last two years was our mid range game sucked. Teams were guarding against the deep ball and then laughing when we failed miserably trying to dink and dunk.
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Yeah kinda is funny to me that folks think you can just drop back and throw deep... well if you don't set it up teams will be all over it.

Better hit those screens, slants, and deep in routes first before trying to go over top.
he basically said that to Urban during a recent question for Urban at a presser. The terrible line of questioning imploded, and Meyer jokingly asked if it was that easy. I already tried to play it off as a joke.

I don't remember if it was that awful but common press moment or another one about backup quarterback playing time. That time he circled back to well the fans want to see it and urban basically said that he's not taking a poll.

And I want to be crystal clear here, while reporters get a bad name I generally find most of the beat reporters to be pretty sharp. They rarely ask bad questions, or if they do they're just a little weak not intentionally antagonistic and ridiculous.
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I agree... and I can't listen to the coaches call in show on Thursdays. There's normally one caller that is like "coach we need to do...." and I just cringe.

I mean I do it on here all the time but I couldn't recommend something to a 3x title winner.

Just tell pounding the screens, the run game and the quick throws. That'll open up downfield in no time
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I’ll leave this here if Wilson added 1 page to the playbook he doubled it. Woody had more formations and variety than what we have seen since TH left. Our success will depend on out executing the good teams when talent is even.
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I’ll leave this here if Wilson added 1 page to the playbook he doubled it. Woody had more formations and variety than what we have seen since TH left. Our success will depend on out executing the good teams when talent is even.
I disagree... I think we are far more multiple and unpredictable then we have ever been.

JT is really really close to what he did as a freshman now and we have top offense as a result. If anything I think we still need to run the ball more to be honest because it's the run game that'll either win it for us or lose it.
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I still saw several plays where the ball was a little late and behind the receivers again yesterday. It isn't has bad as it has been in the past, but it is still there at times. I counted 6 throws yesterday that could have been throw earlier when the WR broke open and also more in front so the WR can run after the catch. That still needs cleaned up. It is better, but not where it needs to be to beat the likes of Clemson, Bama, and probably Ped.
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I still saw several plays where the ball was a little late and behind the receivers again yesterday. It isn't has bad as it has been in the past, but it is still there at times. I counted 6 throws yesterday that could have been throw earlier when the WR broke open and also more in front so the WR can run after the catch. That still needs cleaned up. It is better, but not where it needs to be to beat the likes of Clemson, Bama, and probably Ped.
IDK, I think we may be at beat Ped St. level at this point. The other 2, not so much
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I still saw several plays where the ball was a little late and behind the receivers again yesterday. It isn't has bad as it has been in the past, but it is still there at times. I counted 6 throws yesterday that could have been throw earlier when the WR broke open and also more in front so the WR can run after the catch. That still needs cleaned up. It is better, but not where it needs to be to beat the likes of Clemson, Bama, and probably Ped.

saw the same

The positive to me at this point is Wilson clearly has an idea now of what he has to work with and has a plan. The net result being the much desired "offensive identity".

The negative to me at this point is the execution of that plan/identity has come against, essentially, air.

One more over matched opponent left before we find out what we have here.
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