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Game Thread 2017 B1G Championship Game: OSU vs. Wisconsin - 12/2/17 @ 8:00 ET (FOX)

So, under either potential scenario, playing JT coming off an injured knee or playing a freshman who is not risk adverse, we can expect more touches for Dobbins, right? Surely.....right?

Honestly, after watching a few of their games, I’m not so sure that will be the best plan for this one. If the runs are getting stuffed, someone might have to step up to the plate and deliver the ball down the field.

There were quite a few times that TSUN had WRs running wide open, but they either dropped the ball, pass was off target, etc.
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So open happy hour for alumni association at Champps in Indy tomorrow night 6-8

I'm thinking of starting there and then figuring out the best place to watch the PAC12 CCG

Will have the 12 year old with me so can't do bars but restaurants/sports bars will work.

Let me know if anyone else is thinking of dropping by there.
I'll be down for Champps. Good spot and has historically been the place for Buckeye fans during Big Ten football/basketball. Other restaurants to look out for:

-Yard House
-Scotty's Brewhouse
-Punch Bowl Social (fun restaurant/bar-cade/games/bowling alley)
-Claddaugh is a fun time, though a little light on the TV's compared to some sports bars

@Telekinesis named some of the million steakhouses here (welcome, midwesterners)- St. Elmo's/Harry & Izzy's, Prime 47, Morton's, etc etc.

I recommend checking out Georgia Steet Friday and/or Saturday. Walk around and enjoy the scene and mass of people.

If anyone wants bars/night life, I can definitely recommend/show around later :lol:. I'm ready for the Buckeye takeover here and I expect to see at least a handful of you crazy people this weekend.

Seriously, ask away if you need specific recommendations. I'll do my best to answer and can give out contact info to help around throughout.
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Like I said--reading comprehension is the friend of all (except you, evidently). I never predicted the outcome of any game. Please do try try to make sure you know what you're talking about the next time you quote someone--it'll give you a bit of credibility around here.
:lol: You must be trolling.

You first implied that FAU's being in the top 15 nationally put them at least comparable to our offense, in response to cmstophe's post. When bm11 pointed out to you that FAU's ranking was most likely a function of who they played rather than their prowess, you couldn't come up with anything better than a sarcastic comment about total defense and total offense stats never being reliable, while implying that they are. I countered with a sarcastic comment saying they are always reliable, while in fact implying that they aren't always reliable, which they aren't...predicting game outcome is just one facet for which stats can be used, and many times they are misleading. Just because I specifically mentioned game outcome while you didn't, for what other reason would you bring up stats other than to try to figure out the outcome?

If you can't comprehend anything other than black and white absolutes, then sorry, I can't help you.
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I'll be down for Champps. Good spot and has historically been the place for Buckeye fans during Big Ten football/basketball. Other restaurants to look out for:

-Yard House
-Scotty's Brewhouse
-Punch Bowl Social (fun restaurant/bar-cade/games/bowling alley)
-Claddaugh is a fun time, though a little light on the TV's compared to some sports bars

@Telekinesis named some of the million steakhouses here (welcome, midwesterners)- St. Elmo's/Harry & Izzy's, Prime 47, Morton's, etc etc.

I recommend checking out Georgia Steet Friday and/or Saturday. Walk around and enjoy the scene and mass of people.

If anyone wants bars/night life, I can definitely recommend/show around later :lol:. I'm ready for the Buckeye takeover here and I expect to see at least a handful of you crazy people this weekend.

Seriously, ask away if you need specific recommendations. I'll do my best to answer and can give out contact info to help around throughout.

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:lol: You must be trolling.

You first implied that FAU's being in the top 15 nationally put them at least comparable to our offense, in response to cmstophe's post. When bm11 pointed out to you that FAU's ranking was most likely a function of who they played rather than their prowess, you couldn't come up with anything better than a sarcastic comment about total defense and total offense stats never being reliable, while implying that they are. I countered with a sarcastic comment saying they are always reliable, while in fact implying that they aren't always reliable, which they aren't...predicting game outcome is just one facet for which stats can be used, and many times they are misleading. Just because I specifically mentioned game outcome while you didn't, for what other reason would you bring up stats other than to try to figure out the outcome?

If you can't comprehend anything other than black and white absolutes, then sorry, I can't help you.
Do you ever find it strange that you get into these “reading comprehension” arguments so frequently with so many different people?

I respect that after all these years, you remain so strongly committed (bonus points for being so consistently condescending about it) to the idea that the problem is always with the other person.
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JT is one tough motherfucker, but I cannot imagine him playing in this game very much. Meyer did say he'd play, but I think it'll be minimal. I've heard differing opinions on this type of surgery from "he will be able to play a full game without any risk" to "there's no way he'd be doing this without risking his future".

I'm confident JT is adamant about it-- to a point of being stubborn. Of course Meyer will do what's in his best interest. But, I think we know his history re: benching JT. Of course, this is a totally different situation than, "pull him he sucks."

However, this does worry me a bit. I'm personally prepping for a ride on the Dwayne train...

EDIT: I did see a bit more fire from Haskins this past week. One of JT's biggest strengths is to pump the team up with SO MUCH passion. But, appear to stay calm. At the very least, expecting Dwayne to look less stoned.
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:lol: You must be trolling.

You first implied that FAU's being in the top 15 nationally put them at least comparable to our offense, in response to cmstophe's post. When bm11 pointed out to you that FAU's ranking was most likely a function of who they played rather than their prowess, you couldn't come up with anything better than a sarcastic comment about total defense and total offense stats never being reliable, while implying that they are. I countered with a sarcastic comment saying they are always reliable, while in fact implying that they aren't always reliable, which they aren't...predicting game outcome is just one facet for which stats can be used, and many times they are misleading. Just because I specifically mentioned game outcome while you didn't, for what other reason would you bring up stats other than to try to figure out the outcome?

If you can't comprehend anything other than black and white absolutes, then sorry, I can't help you.

Let me help you. cmstophe's original post suggested that UW had not faced a tough opponent. I pointed out that FAU (who, by the way, UW faced and held to 14 points) is ranked around #15 nationally in total offense. News flash: total offense and total defense are commonly used as evidence of how good an offense or defense is.

You decided to jump into the mix and throw in a bad analogy (which, based on your posting history, I'm well aware is not your strong suit).
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Not sure if you're joking, so apologies if you are, but JT isn't playing much (if at all) Saturday night. Dude had knee surgery Sunday. Just FYI.
They said he'll play though so that tells me that they will play him at least. I guess I never caught onto the fact that that doesn't mean he will start which I think will be good news considering as you said there's no way JT isn't affected by having surgery.
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