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Game Thread 2017 B1G Championship Game: OSU vs. Wisconsin - 12/2/17 @ 8:00 ET (FOX)

Wiscy is basically Penn State with better lines and linebackers IMO. I'm worried about this one to be honest. 0 expectations is the way I'm going as who knows which Buckeye team will show up.

Wiscy is almost the antithesis of PSU. PSU has good talent and athleticism at the skill positions but is weak on the lines. Wiscy has a great back and TE but typical Wiscy WR's. They're stout on the lines though.
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Never said they did. But thanks for chiming in to post something completely irrelevant.

You could go back and read my first post and to what I was responding, but I'm sure that'd be too much work.

Here ya go, Sparky:

cmstophe said:
Wisconsin hasn't faced an offense anywhere in the stratosphere of the Buckeyes offense.

you said:
Isn't FAU top 15 nationally in total offense?"

buckeyemania11 said:
Maybe stats wise, but take a look at the defenses they faced all season.

you said:
You're right--total defense and total offense are never stats that are quoted or relied upon in any respect.

I said:
Yeah, and statistics always correctly predict the outcome of a game...
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We’re all so angry this week. I love it. :lol:

Beat Bucky!
No, after beating TTUN for the sixth straight time, I'm chilling. btw, forgot to mention like ped didn't check the score on Sat until late, 2:48. Again like ped, Buckeyes were losing 20-14 in the third. So switched to tv and two plays later Dobbins scores after Haskins 22 yard scramble to the goal line. Timing is everything as didn't half to struggle thru the 1st quarter.

Have decided to watch the entire Wisky game so if the Buckeyes lose you can blame me. But likewise, if they win ...
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11W crew is taking over Claddagh Irish Pub in Indy for the game.

You guys that are going; you want to crash it?

We need a BP uniform so they know who we are Ch4 vs Ch9 style

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No offense but Penn State runs a completely different offense than Wisconsin.

Wisconsin is most similar to tsun with a better QB, or Iowa with better everything.

Either of those analogies should, hopefully, give people pause before they expect a repeat of '14.

I see both of your concerns, but refuse to believe that a team that's this talented and worked this hard think that they can coast to victory.

I like our chances. :urban2:
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