I think the only game that I did more yelling, cheering, screaming, pacing etc. was the Sugar Bowl vs. Bama. That was one of those seasons during Coop's tenure where you look at the inexplicable loss to TTUN and think "What if".............I was watching the game with my God son (now a retired Coast Guard commander) and we quickly split a bottle of Korbel Brut after this catch and the agonizing minute or so that followed until the gun went off. Then we pretty much celebrated with anything we could get our hands on.
Will always feel like the Bucks got screwed out of a national championship on this day.
Later found out that my good friend of Ft. Lewis and Vietnam days, Lieutenant Jim Farwell (RIP) was watching his son, the back up QB of Jake Plummer, on the ASU sidlines. Sorry Jim, but even had I known that I would have still been rooting for my Buckeyes.