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2016 CFB Week 4 Open Thread

Tennessee is just awful. The overtime win against Appy State showed their true grit. Making Florida look good and about to mail it in, if it keeps piling up.

EDIT: So, then, they put a few good plays together. I have faith in them to screw it up.
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Tennessee is just awful. The overtime win against Appy State showed their true grit. Making Florida look good and about to mail it in, if it keeps piling up.

EDIT: So, then, they put a few good plays together. I have faith in them to screw it up.

They also had all they could handle from Ohio U

it was a tough call coming into the weekend of most overrated SEC team UGA or UT....looks like it's still a tough call
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Indiana's deficit to Wake Forest at the half can be explained scientifically: RCI

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Fredo with what might be the worst halftime promo video ever. Here's a hint. When you have an image as on overly white college with next to no diversity, it might not be best to feature an actual wigger in your advertising.
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