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2016 CFB Week 4 Open Thread

Absolutely no idea...sentence was "I'm surprised at the dinnerence"

F isn't close to N on the keyboard, so it's not likely a mis-stroke for Difference. Dissonance? Deference?

Must be a word that only exists in that special alternate universe the Pedsters live in. You know, the one founded on Fax! and Evidents! where JoePed did every single thing a rational, moral person could have ever expected of him.
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That's when one, say a powerful coach, goes home to dinner with his wife rather than makimg the difference in a little boy's life by staying and calling the police on his rapist.

Useage: in hindsight, I should have done more, but I was running late for dinnerence.

Great minds, and all. You type faster than I do. (Think faster, too, probably.)
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