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Game Thread 2015 National Championship Game: (2) Oregon vs. (4) Ohio State, Jan 12th @ 8:30p ET, ESPN

"Turnovers and who scores in the redzone, that's what will determine who wins this game." Kirk Herbstreit

Uh, turnovers? No.

I'll actually stand in line with Herbie on this one as a person who thought the TO battle would decide the game.

Honestly never thought OSU was just so much better they could overcome 4

its amazing
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I'll actually stand in line with Herbie on this one as a person who thought the TO battle would decide the game.

Honestly never thought OSU was just so much better they could overcome 4

its amazing

I agree. To be fair, if we were told the Buckeyes were going to be -4 in turnovers (not counting Mariota's last heave) a lot of us would've had doubts as to whether the Bucks could overcome that many. Some won't admit it now, but title game victories and -4 rarely go hand in hand. The level of dominance neutralized them in this case.
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I still stand by what I said. Bama has not done well recently against teams like oregon. I guarantee you the defense would have been out of position many times with the ball ring snapped while the defense looks dumbfoundedly at Kirby smart for the "perfect call". Those boys are micromanaged out there and it hurts a lot.

Did you notice OSU's defense sprinting to set up without checking the sideline after every play? Bama doesn't do that. OSU relied on their athleticism and instincts on defense and it was beautiful. OSU was able to completely disrupt oregons rhythm.

It is nice to not have a dog in the fight. I got really nervous before the game. I would have puked If Bama was playing.

Also Saban doesn't do the shoulda woulda coulda game. He likes to recruit. He was angry the day after Bama beat LSU for the title because, "this stupid game cost me over a week in recruiting."

ok, you obviously are more familiar w/Alabama. But I still believe, like Ohio State, 'Bama is wayyy better conditioned than Oregon and would eventually wear them down. The problem is many teams are losing too badly to Oregon by the time the Ducks wear down.


And was thinkin' about recruiting when someone posted about the Buckeyes getting a top RB in the '16 class. One of the Buckeye's problems is they're such a frickin' good team right now, some top picks may go elsewhere for the chance to play. Guess that's a good problem to have. :urban2:
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I cant believe that Ohio State won it all. Such a beautiful sight! Wow!

Now with that said, they better not change the design of that ugly ass trophy for another 10 years at least. I dont want to be the only university stuck with it in our case. lol.
I'd be fine with osu being the only school with that trophy after the bucks win the next 10
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Hey Bucks fans - congratulations! Your team simply was dominant in every phase of the game. Elliott is a stud. I can't wait to add him to my fantasy team lol. I was lobbying for the Buckeyes to make it in and they proved to everyone they deserved it. To say they beat #1 and #2 is misleading because in retrospect the Bucks were #1 all along. Dominant. Coach Meyer has passed Saban...no doubt...as the best coach in college football. I love my Ducks, but I truly love college football. The Ohio State story this season did college football proud. Amazing season! If Marcus leaves for the NFL, we are in bad shape next season lol. We don't have 3 studs at QB. I don't ever remember a team having that much depth at that position. My question...who starts next year? Anyway, I'm happy for you guys. You will be ranked #1 next year and I think you'll be hoisting another championship trophy.
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Two Recipes For Roasted Duck.....


1. A day before roasting, remove the giblets and neck from the cavity of the bird and discard. If necessary pluck any stray pinfeathers off the duck with tweezers. Trim the neck flap and excess fat from around the cavity. Rinse and dry the bird well. Set the duck on a rack on a baking sheet, and refrigerate, uncovered, for 24 hours.

Heat the oven to 300 degrees F. Pierce the duck's skin all over (including the back), every 1/2-inch, with a skewer or small knife. Season the cavity with salt and pepper and stuff with 3 strips of the orange zest and the onion. Set the duck on a rack in a roasting pan, and pour a cup of water in the pan. Roast the bird for 3 hours, removing the duck from the oven every hour to prick the skin again.

Meanwhile, make the glaze: Combine the remaining orange zest, molasses, honey, coriander, pepper, orange juice, vinegar, and garlic in a small saucepan. Heat, stirring, over medium-high heat until warm. Remove glaze from the heat and set it aside at room temperature while the duck cooks.

Remove the duck from the oven and carefully, pour off the excess fat from the pan. (If desired reserve this fat for frying potatoes or wilting greens.) Raise the oven temperature to 450 degree F. Return the duck to the oven and roast until crisp and brown, about 30 minutes more.

Let the duck rest at room temperature for 10 minutes before carving. Brush the duck's skin with glaze 4 to 5 five times during the resting period. Carve the duck and transfer pieces to warm serving platter. Serve the remaining glaze at the table to drizzle over the duck, if desired.



2. Play Ohio State in the National Championship game.
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