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2011 TSUN shenanigans and arguments (off season)

HailToMichigan;1946429; said:
I say this knowing full well the extreme risk of hijacking the thread to kingdom come in the wrong direction, but....

....if you want someone to tap into the minds of Michigan fans, Captain Planet ain't your guy. I'll do him lots better. Your counter there used to be an honest-to-god source of irratation to Michigan fans, but not any more. Why? Because we know for a fact that it happened last year with an uneven playing field: ineligible players, and that Tressel knew it. Which of course opens the question in folks' minds about how many other times the playing field wasn't level, either. NCAA penalties aside, I'd say the #1 intangible result of the [Mark May]storm is that Michigan fans really did used to grit their teeth and say "we gotta get rid of that counter" and now, honestly, nobody cares.

Wouldn't it have been an uneven playing field if those players didn't play? It's not like we pulled guys off the NFL Pro-Bowl team to play in the game. Besides you guys had extra practice and still couldn't win.
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HailToMichigan;1946429; said:
I say this knowing full well the extreme risk of hijacking the thread to kingdom come in the wrong direction, but....

....if you want someone to tap into the minds of Michigan fans, Captain Planet ain't your guy. I'll do him lots better. Your counter there used to be an honest-to-god source of irratation to Michigan fans, but not any more. Why? Because we know for a fact that it happened last year with an uneven playing field: ineligible players, and that Tressel knew it. Which of course opens the question in folks' minds about how many other times the playing field wasn't level, either. NCAA penalties aside, I'd say the #1 intangible result of the [Mark May]storm is that Michigan fans really did used to grit their teeth and say "we gotta get rid of that counter" and now, honestly, nobody cares.

Are you saying that because Ohio State used "ineligible players" that you would rather lose with players from a team that follows the NCAA rules?
Can I get that pic of an OWl saying, "Orly!"

Athletic director Bill Martin said he didn't know whether penalties, if any, might include forfeiture of the Wolverines' 14-9 victory over then-No.10 Penn State on Sept. 22. It was one of three games in which freshman safety Artis Chambers played this season. Martin said Saturday that the university immediately contacted the Big Ten after learning that Chambers was ineligible under the conference's freshman rules. Chambers, who enrolled at Michigan in January, cannot play the remainder of the season and did not travel with the team for Saturday's game at Northwestern

Michigan announced in May that they would reduce training time by 130 hours over the next two years and placed the program on a two-year probation period. The NCAA ruling makes that a three-year probation, beginning Nov. 4, 2010 and ending Nov. 3, 2013.
The NCAA gave Michigan a third year of probation and withdrew the charge that head coach Rich Rodriguez failed to promote an atmosphere of compliance, the only charge the school contested in the hearings.
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BB73;1948629; said:
Here's a link for the Artis Chambers story.

These should be provided whenever using an outside source.

wait, wait, wait.......they used an ineligible player when they lost to Appy State!? :slappy:I honestly didn't think that could ever get better.

I'm surprised their dipshit fans aren't claiming they actually won because the loss had to be vacated.
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Jaxbuck;1948632; said:
wait, wait, wait.......they used an ineligible player when they lost to Appy State!? :slappy:I honestly didn't think that could ever get better.

I'm surprised their dipshit fans aren't claiming they actually won because the loss had to be vacated.

Technically he was only ineligible for the Penn State game, since it was a violation of Big Ten rules, not NCAA rules. But we know who gets the credit for the mistake.

From the article:

Martin did emphasize that it was his fault, not Michigan coach Lloyd Carr's.

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