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Game Thread 2010 Rose Bowl: Ohio State 26 Oregon 17 (Final, 1/01/2010)

jwinslow;1624246; said:
I guess we can't take you at your word.
Two strikes and your out on this site. Consider this your warning, particularly since you didn't bother to back up this cute little shot.
I don't see how calling a defense overrated is worth a warning. I provided valid statistics that could argue it might be true. Oregonians are supposed to be the sensitive ones, not blue-collar middle America.
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Abraham Moses;1624242; said:
Thanks. The schedules don't lie. Oregon has played and beaten tougher teams this year.

It is going to be interesting to see the overrated Ohio State defense finally be put to the test. Ohio State has played 4 teams with an offense ranked in the top 50. They are Toledo, Illinois (at #50), Penn State and Wisconsin.

Oregon has played 7 top 50 defenses and 4 in the top 21. Against those 4 teams in the top 21 they had an average of 363 ypg and 32.75 ppg.

I just have a hard time seeing Ohio State's 71st ranked offense keep up with the points Oregon is going to put on the board. That 71st ranked offense is against just 4 teams with a defense ranked 40 or better.

I know it's all apples and oranges and we really won't know anything until the end of the game but if you look at the numbers I am surprised Ohio State isn't a bigger dog than just 2 points.

I don't think anyone here will argue with you on a basis that Oregon has had an impressive year. Or that both teams have seen better seasons. Which team is best, or which team will win the rose bowl is pure opinion at this point. But I think there is no doubt about it that every Buckeye fan here at BP has the Buckeyes' back, on the conclusion that tOSU also had an impressive year. What I find more impressive is that the majority of the roster at tOSU is still maturing with only 18 Seniors (which may or may not be starting) out of 98 on the total roster, plus a sophmore QB -Pryor at that-

One can only invision clearly of an outstanding team in the '10-'11 season
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It's no secret that Oregon has one of the worst pass defenses in the entire country. It is a HUGE liability against a team willing to go to the air. It will be interesting to see if Tressel changes his game plan a little. I know how much he loves to run, run, run.
It's not about Tressel. It's about Pryor. Last year he hit those passes with a lot more consistency. This year his overall abilities as a passer have improved, but his accuracy downfield has taken a step back. Pryor was more of the focal point of the offense early in the season. His struggles held back the offense as much as conservative playcalling, as seen by the dramatic shift in efficiency when they shifted back to a run-heavy attack (finally with some true read-option looks, mostly against UM).

Last year, Pryor was more of a boom or bust passer. He made some great throws downfield and could dazzle you with his theatrics in the backfield, but he would also take coverage sacks trying too hard to make the big play. In the last month or so, he has improved a lot at taking what the defense gives him, settling for a 5 yard scamper (last year he would pass on 15 yd scrambles just to try and make the pass instead) or throwing it away.

Posey & Sanzenbacher are both guys who can hurt Oregon downfield. The suspended Carter & Small were very talented but inconsistent players at wideout. Their replacements are sizzle without any steak so far. Taurian Washington is a great practice player who struggles to translate that to the field. Flash Thomas is an athlete playing WR with great natural athleticism but is still very raw at the position.
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Buckeye89Fan;1624251; said:
Agree to disagree I guess... Think what you want but you're making this sound like Oregon can't be stopped.. Because they played a "tougher" schedule. We'll see.

The interesting thing is that the one time that Oregon was stopped was when they played Boise State. Boise State has the highest rated defense of any team that Oregon has played this year. I would think those numbers are inflated due to an extremely weak schedule but when Oregon played them, they looked very good defensively.
I am hoping that the outcome of that game had more to do with the fact that it was the first game of the season under a new coach in a very tough place to play. If not, Oregon is in for a beat down because I don't think there is any question that Ohio State's defense is superior to Boise State's.
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Abraham Moses;1624252; said:
I don't see how calling a defense overrated is worth a warning. I provided valid statistics that could argue it might be true. Oregonians are supposed to be the sensitive ones, not blue-collar middle America.
Well, you'll be shocked to learn that we are all actually elitist pricks.
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I don't see how calling a defense overrated is worth a warning.
I'm not sure how that proves they're overrated. Boise State might actually be a true NC contender but we have no idea because they haven't played anyone. They're more unrateable than overated imo.
I provided valid statistics that could argue it might be true. Oregonians are supposed to be the sensitive ones, not blue-collar middle America.
The reputation of the defense wasn't built by stopping mediocre offenses in the midwest. The last time OSU faced a stellar offense they more than held their own in the fiesta.
I would think those numbers are inflated due to an extremely weak schedule but when Oregon played them, they looked very good defensively.
Watching their matador trackmeets all year, I'd have to say yes. But I'm a firm believer that teams change significantly over the year, especially with young teams like ours (I believe your defense is very young, correct)?
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Part of the reason I wanted to nip that in the bud Abraham is you seem like a quality addition here. Perhaps it just came across the wrong way. We are very strict about the level of discourse on this site, which is what makes these OOC interactions so much fun. There are enough boards with 'lolz oregon speed pwnz slow-hio' or 'pansy spread get hulk smashed by ironhead'.
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jwinslow;1624254; said:
It's not about Tressel. It's about Pryor. Last year he hit those passes with a lot more consistency. This year his overall abilities as a passer have improved, but his accuracy downfield has taken a step back. Pryor was more of the focal point of the offense early in the season. His struggles held back the offense as much as conservative playcalling, as seen by the dramatic shift in efficiency when they shifted back to a run-heavy attack (finally with some true read-option looks, mostly against UM).

Last year, Pryor was more of a boom or bust passer. He made some great throws downfield and could dazzle you with his theatrics in the backfield, but he would also take coverage sacks trying too hard to make the big play. In the last month or so, he has improved a lot at taking what the defense gives him, settling for a 5 yard scamper (last year he would pass on 15 yd scrambles just to try and make the pass instead) or throwing it away.

Posey & Sanzenbacher are both guys who can hurt Oregon downfield. The suspended Carter & Small were very talented but inconsistent players at wideout. Their replacements are sizzle without any steak so far. Taurian Washington is a great practice player who struggles to translate that to the field. Flash Thomas is an athlete playing WR with great natural athleticism but is still very raw at the position.

I agree that it will pretty much all ride on his shoulders. Based on what I have seen from Oregon's defense this season he could have a huge game against the Ducks. I think his mobility is going to be a really big factor.

PS Your quote is awesome. I'm so angry that the season is already over. They need to produce more episodes per season.
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jwinslow;1624258; said:
Part of the reason I wanted to nip that in the bud Abraham is you seem like a quality addition here. Perhaps it just came across the wrong way. We are very strict about the level of discourse on this site, which is what makes these OOC interactions so much fun. There are enough boards with 'lolz oregon speed pwnz slow-hio' or 'pansy spread get hulk smashed by ironhead'.

HAHA I will try to resist speaking in that manner.
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jwinslow;1624257; said:
But I'm a firm believer that teams change significantly over the year, especially with young teams like ours (I believe your defense is very young, correct)?

Hey maybe we will meet in the national championship next year for a rematch. We are losing a TE and 2 DT's, that's it. It is going to be a wild ride.
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Abraham Moses;1624250; said:
It's no secret that Oregon has one of the worst pass defenses in the entire country. It is a HUGE liability against a team willing to go to the air. It will be interesting to see if Tressel changes his game plan a little. I know how much he loves to run, run, run.

Your rush defense isn't exactly stellar either (39th in the country). We rushed for 228 yards against the #10 rush defense in the country (Penn State, at their place). You can bet that Tressel will run the ball as long as it's successful. Oregon's offense is quick-tempoed, and Tressel will do his best to keep the ball away from them. This will serve two purposes: 1) Obviously keeping the ball away from the offense keeps them from scoring, and 2) Any three-and-outs by the Oregon offense will cut into their defense's rest time due to the quick tempo, and thus our pounding the ball at Oregon's defense will wear them down even faster. If we get several long, sustained offensive drives sandwiched around a couple of three-and-outs by the Oregon offense, Oregon's defense could be gassed by halftime...
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MililaniBuckeye;1624266; said:
Your rush defense isn't exactly stellar either (39th in the country). We rushed for 228 yards against the #10 rush defense in the country (Penn State, at their place). You can bet that Tressel will run the ball as long as it's successful. Oregon's offense is quick-tempoed, and Tressel will do his best to keep the ball away from them. This will serve two purposes: 1) Obviously keeping the ball away from the offense keeps them from scoring, and 2) Any three-and-outs by the Oregon offense will cut into their defense's rest time due to the quick tempo, and thus our pounding the ball at Oregon's defense will wear them down even faster. If we get several long, sustained offensive drives sandwiched around a couple of three-and-outs by the Oregon offense, Oregon's defense could be gassed by halftime...

Shoot, Oregon's scoring drives take about the same amount of time as most teams three and outs. They have one of the worst time of possessions of any team in the country this year just due to the speed in which they score. The defense is used to being on the field a lot. They did show that they don't match up well with a big offensive line and a solid running back. That does worry me a little.
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Abraham Moses;1624269; said:
Shoot, Oregon's scoring drives take about the same amount of time as most teams three and outs. They have one of the worst time of possessions of any team in the country this year just due to the speed in which they score. The defense is used to being on the field a lot. They did show that they don't match up well with a big offensive line and a solid running back. That does worry me a little.
I'd be a lot more confident in our chances of winning if we had a dominating all-conference back, but we're having a down year at that position. We're not bad, just no one has stepped up. I guess I'd consider Boom and Saine solid, just not as good as we could be.
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Abraham Moses;1624269; said:
Shoot, Oregon's scoring drives take about the same amount of time as most teams three and outs. They have one of the worst time of possessions of any team in the country this year just due to the speed in which they score. The defense is used to being on the field a lot. They did show that they don't match up well with a big offensive line and a solid running back. That does worry me a little.

Don't look for that to happen much against the Buckeye defense...
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