21st Century Buckeye Man
I can't believe how much transitive property talk has appeared. For the record, mathematical transitivity applies to more than just equation, it is actually more prevalent in inequalities. It is a quite powerful property actually used in some advanced calculus and real analysis proofs, but I digress.
The transitive property is a mathematical convention and the vast majority of people run into troubles when applying it to anything other than mathematics.... be it language, sports, whatever...simply because it doesn't apply!
As an attempt to illustrate the fallacy in using a mathematical construct in an abusive manner, let's remember that a ham sandwich is better than sex. A ham sandwich is better than nothing and nothing is better than sex, hence a ham sandwich is better than sex. Transitivity at its finest!
If only Eldrick had known this....
The transitive property is a mathematical convention and the vast majority of people run into troubles when applying it to anything other than mathematics.... be it language, sports, whatever...simply because it doesn't apply!
As an attempt to illustrate the fallacy in using a mathematical construct in an abusive manner, let's remember that a ham sandwich is better than sex. A ham sandwich is better than nothing and nothing is better than sex, hence a ham sandwich is better than sex. Transitivity at its finest!

If only Eldrick had known this....