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2009 TSUN News (football only discussion)

Rivals $

Kenny Shaw, WR, Dr. Phillips HS, may visit UM for The Game. UM verbal Ricardo Miller was at Dr. Phillips last season, and so is UM lean 2011 RB Demetrius Hart. Top-3 is UF, FSU, Tenn, will take many visits before deciding.

Will the teammates be enough? Or will he be turned off by how they use WRs (Stonum returns kicks and then blocks or runs off the coverage)?
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Given how often RR brings it up in pressers, I decided to dig into the numbers and see how UM's youth stacks up with OSU.

Scout.com: MGoBlue.com clearly indicates that 83 players have.....
UM | OSU scholarship comparison

31 | 33 frosh
13 | 17 soph
15 | 17 junior
11 | 16 senior

UM | OSU walkon comparison

20 | 17 frosh
16 | 04 soph
07 | 12 junior
05 | 03 senior

The breakdown looks fairly even, everywhere but walkons with soph eligibility.

The only major edge OSU holds is senior scholarships, and 3 or 4 of those guys used to be walkons.
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U-M's Bill Martin apologizes for two incidents at games | detnews.com | The Detroit News
Last Updated: November 09. 2009 6:42PM
U-M's Bill Martin apologizes for two incidents at games

Angelique S. Chengelis / The Detroit News

Ann Arbor -- Michigan athletic director Bill Martin said he is apologetic for his behavior during two home football games this season that resulted in the filing of an incident report last month with the university's department of public safety.

On separate occasions, two university employees working security on the Regents Guest level of the Michigan Stadium press box did not allow Martin, who was unaware of a new security process, to enter the area. Martin, on each occasion was without the proper credential and made physical contact with the employees to gain entrance.
"I contacted those involved to discuss the situation and express my regret," Martin said Monday evening in a statement released by the Michigan athletic department. "I know they were just doing their jobs."

According to Khan's statement, he was working the south stairwell of the press box during the Delaware State game Oct. 17 when Martin and his wife, Sally, approached the door leading to the Regents Guest area. Khan put his hand on the door to block their entrance and said he needed to see the required passes.

Khan, according to the report, said Martin became "upset" and used his right hand to grab Kahn's windbreaker in the chest and pushed him slightly. Kahn said Martin then told him, "I am the athletic director, I can go in," but Kahn said Martin needed the proper credential.

At that point, according to the report, Martin grabbed Kahn's identification badge that was hanging around his neck and Martin said, "I want to know your name." At that point, a University Development Events staff member identified Martin as the athletic director and was then allowed to enter.
Turner was involved in an incident with Martin during the first half of the Notre Dame-Michigan game Sept. 12. Turner was assigned to the Regents Guest area at the north glass doors, which lead to the general seating area of Michigan Stadium.

According to the statement, Turner said that just before halftime, she opened the door for several people to exit. Then, three white males wearing white U-M polo shirts attempted to come through the doors into the Regents area. Turner said she stepped into the doorway and told individual in front -- Martin -- that she needed to see his pass.

Turner said Martin put his right hand on her left shoulder and said, "Honey, I am the athletic director." She said he then pushed her on the left just hard enough to guide her out of the way. Turner did not resist in any way, she said in the report.
They sure have a lot of strange reasons for drama up north.
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But seriously, what kind of security guard lets this dweeb:


...push them around?
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I usually like Brian over at mgoblog's stuff, but this is crap...

"When Can We Fire This Guy?" | mgoblog

...um, no. That was not the talent level of a 3-9 team. Sorry, try to rationalize all you want, in the end you fail. Too many four and five star guys. Was it up to snuff with typical scUM rosters? Absolutely not, but they were more talented, position for position, than at least four of the teams they lost to. Spare us the gutted 2005 class as well. tOSU had an awful 2003 and an only slightly better 2004 class and those two culminated in National Title game appearances. He then talks about wanting to see continual improvement. Um, Brian, your last two teams got progressively worse as the season wore on. Maybe it's time to put down the Barwis (!!!!!!!!!11!!!1!!) porn? Next year you lose your two best running backs, your best defensive player and quite possibly, the only memeber of your secondary with a pulse. This 2010 class is still light on defensive help. Try harder.
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This 2010 class is still light on defensive help.

Not so fast. In addition to Robinson they have no less than SEVEN three star athletes coming in on D and one of those is rated as highly as #25 at their position. (And none of their D recruits are rated 100 or higher at their position - which can not be said of at least three of their O pledges.)

One may scoff at this recruiting strategy. But last year they had 9 decommits. Recruiting 3 star athletes is a way to hedge against that happening.

The key is to take a three star athlete and turn him into a five star player. RR and Barwis have already mastered that basic process - they just have to figure out how to take what they are doing now and make it work in reverse.

Seriously, while CW has been flailing around he has also been bringing in great talent. RR may be filling that empty cupboard, but he is doing it with Ramen Noodles.
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Oh8ch;1589404; said:
...they have no less than SEVEN three star athletes coming in on D and one of those is rated as highly as #25 at their position...
RR may be filling that empty cupboard, but he is doing it with Ramen Noodles.

Tony Gerdeman also noted the deficiency in his Michigan Monday column on the o-zone.net:

One area of concern, however, is the current recruiting class. Of the eight currently-committed defensive players--all of whom are out of state recruits, only one of them (safety/linebacker Marvin Robinson) was offered by the top school in their home state. I would wonder why the schools with the inside track on these recruits aren't deeming these in-state kids worthy of offers, yet Rich Rodriguez is. I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he hasn't really shown himself to be a miner of diamonds in the rough of late.

The-Ozone, Ohio State Football, Wrestling, Softball, Basketball, Hockey, Baseball and More
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