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2009 Pick'em Contest - Week 5 (Results Posted)

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Sober as Sarkisian
Staff member
Tech Admin
2009 Pick'em Contest - Week 5 (Closes Thur Oct 1, 7:45PM)

Week 5 of the season long pick'em. If you have not played before, please read the rules before participating.

Picks are against the spread. When you submit your picks, your submission MUST USE the same name as presented in the original post. E.g., If you are presented the choice of Ohio State vs Southern Cal, please use either "Ohio State" or "Southern Cal" as your pick. If you submit your pick as "USC," "OSU," "The Bucks" or anything else, it WILL be scored a loss, even if you had correctly predicted the winner.

Verify you have submitted all eleven picks. The eleventh 'extra game' pick is used in the event one of the original ten games is canceled or postponed. Point spreads do not change once posted.

This weeks picks are due by 7:45 PM, Thursday Oct 1.

Colorado (+17.5) at West Virginia [Thursday]
Pittsburgh (-6.5) at Louisville [Friday]
Ohio St (-17.5) at Indiana
Michigan (PK) at Michigan St
Auburn (+2.5) at Tennessee
LSU (+2.5) at Georgia
Air Force (+3.5) at Navy
Washington (+13.5) at Notre Dame
Southern Cal (-5.5) at Cal
Oklahoma (-6.5) at Miami Fla

Extra Game

NC State (PK) at Wake Forest


Previous Weeks are here:
Last edited:
West Virginia
Ohio St
Michigan St

Extra Game

NC State
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