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2009 Pick'em Contest - Week 5 (Results Posted)

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Week 5 Lines + Final Scores

Colorado 24 (+17.5) at West Virginia 35 [Thursday]
Pittsburgh 35 (-6.5) at Louisville 10 [Friday]
Ohio St 33 (-17.5) at Indiana 14
Michigan 20 (PK) at Michigan St 26
Auburn 26 (+2.5) at Tennessee 22
LSU 20 (+2.5) at Georgia 13
Air Force 13 (+3.5) at Navy 16
Washington 30 (+13.5) at Notre Dame 37
Southern Cal 30 (-5.5) at Cal 3
Oklahoma 20 (-6.5) at Miami Fla 21

Extra Game

NC State 24 (PK) at Wake Forest 30


Week 5 Correct Picks

Ohio St
Michigan St
Air Force
Southern Cal
Miami Fla

Wake Forest


Season To Date Standings + Week 5 Results

SEREbuckeye ........ 0.625 ...... 25/40 ...... 7
starBUCKS .......... 0.580 ...... 29/50 ...... 5
daddyphatsacs ...... 0.580 ...... 29/50 ...... 4
FCollinsBuckeye .... 0.567 ...... 17/30 ...... 6
bukIpower .......... 0.560 ...... 28/50 ...... 8
HineyBuck .......... 0.560 ...... 28/50 ...... 7
osu_edu ............ 0.533 ...... 16/30 ...... 6
hdcolumbus ......... 0.533 ...... 16/30 ...... 4
Cincinnatibuck ..... 0.533 ...... 16/30 ...... -
bearonu ............ 0.520 ...... 26/50 ...... 7
THEWOOD ............ 0.520 ...... 26/50 ...... 7
brodybuck21 ........ 0.520 ...... 26/50 ...... 5
holybuckeye33 ...... 0.520 ...... 26/50 ...... 5
Tipdogusaf ......... 0.520 ...... 26/50 ...... 5
ArmyVet83 .......... 0.520 ...... 26/50 ...... 4
buck1973 ........... 0.520 ...... 26/50 ...... 4
Ahiacitian ......... 0.500 ...... 25/50 ...... 8
muffler_dragon ..... 0.500 ...... 25/50 ...... 7
Wingate1217 ........ 0.500 ...... 25/50 ...... 7
Buckeye_Mike ....... 0.500 ...... 25/50 ...... 6
DaddyBigBucks ...... 0.500 ...... 25/50 ...... 6
LightningRod ....... 0.500 ...... 25/50 ...... 6
Bestbuck36 ......... 0.500 ...... 20/40 ...... 6
bucks4me ........... 0.500 ...... 25/50 ...... 5
Gatorubet .......... 0.500 ...... 25/50 ...... 5
WoodyWorshiper ..... 0.500 ...... 25/50 ...... 5
southcampus ........ 0.500 ...... 20/40 ...... 5
Shelby ............. 0.500 ...... 15/30 ...... 5
JXC ................ 0.500 ...... 15/30 ...... -
BuckeyeMike80 ...... 0.480 ...... 24/50 ...... 8
buckeyemania11 ..... 0.480 ...... 24/50 ...... 7
BB73 ............... 0.480 ...... 24/50 ...... 6
Dryden ............. 0.480 ...... 24/50 ...... 6
JmwGoBucks ......... 0.480 ...... 24/50 ...... 6
osugrad21 .......... 0.480 ...... 24/50 ...... 6
Lou270slant ........ 0.480 ...... 24/50 ...... 5
Mothra ............. 0.480 ...... 24/50 ...... 5
matt_thatsme ....... 0.475 ...... 19/40 ...... 6
stkoran ............ 0.475 ...... 19/40 ...... 6
cincibuck .......... 0.475 ...... 19/40 ...... 5
buckeyefool ........ 0.475 ...... 19/40 ...... -
NFBuck ............. 0.460 ...... 23/50 ...... 8
jenkinswoody ....... 0.460 ...... 23/50 ...... 7
LitlBuck ........... 0.460 ...... 23/50 ...... 6
MD_Buckeye ......... 0.460 ...... 23/50 ...... 4
NYBuckeye .......... 0.450 ...... 18/40 ...... 5
ant80 .............. 0.440 ...... 22/50 ...... 6
craigblitz ......... 0.440 ...... 22/50 ...... 6
Piney .............. 0.440 ...... 22/50 ...... 6
sears3820 .......... 0.440 ...... 22/50 ...... 6
chille37 ........... 0.440 ...... 22/50 ...... 3
coastalbuck ........ 0.440 ...... 22/50 ...... 3
billmac91 .......... 0.433 ...... 13/30 ...... -
gracelhink ......... 0.425 ...... 17/40 ...... 7
BuckNutty .......... 0.420 ...... 21/50 ...... 5
CleveBucks ......... 0.420 ...... 21/50 ...... 5
OSUsushichic ....... 0.420 ...... 21/50 ...... 5
crafdog ............ 0.420 ...... 21/50 ...... 2
Brutus654 .......... 0.400 ...... 20/50 ...... 5
skaduzy ............ 0.400 ...... 20/50 ...... 4
jlb1705 ............ 0.400 ...... 20/50 ...... 3
BuckeyeMac ......... 0.400 ...... 16/40 ...... 2
GoBux20 ............ 0.400 ...... 12/30 ...... -
gregorylee ......... 0.400 ...... 12/30 ...... -
CincyBuck88 ........ 0.380 ...... 19/50 ...... 5
ScriptOhio ......... 0.380 ...... 19/50 ...... 4
Canadian_Buck_I .... 0.375 ...... 15/40 ...... -
EdgarStyles ........ 0.375 ...... 15/40 ...... -
SCBuck13 ........... 0.333 ...... 10/30 ...... -
Bucky_Katt ......... 0.300 ...... 9/30 ...... 6
ttk ................ 0.300 ...... 15/50 ...... 3
Bucklion ........... 0.300 ...... 12/40 ...... -

lightyears2012 ..... 0.800 ...... 8/10 ...... -
BuckeyeWeeb ........ 0.650 ...... 13/20 ...... 5
werlinrm ........... 0.600 ...... 12/20 ...... 6
buckeyebilly ....... 0.600 ...... 6/10 ...... -
G-FORCE ............ 0.600 ...... 6/10 ...... -
Buckeye_Chris ...... 0.550 ...... 11/20 ...... -
Buckeye_doc ........ 0.550 ...... 11/20 ...... -
BuckeyeFan05 ....... 0.550 ...... 11/20 ...... -
Deety .............. 0.550 ...... 11/20 ...... -
generaladm ......... 0.550 ...... 11/20 ...... -
MightbeaBuck ....... 0.550 ...... 11/20 ...... 4
The_S&G_Dynasty .... 0.550 ...... 11/20 ...... -
DA-Bucks ........... 0.500 ...... 10/20 ...... -
NateG .............. 0.500 ...... 10/20 ...... 4
BuckPshrink ........ 0.500 ...... 5/10 ...... -
OsUPhAn ............ 0.500 ...... 5/10 ...... -
Steve19 ............ 0.500 ...... 5/10 ...... -
Ttown .............. 0.500 ...... 5/10 ...... -
Tonyank ............ 0.450 ...... 9/20 ...... -
buckeyeboy ......... 0.400 ...... 8/20 ...... 5
Buckeye1 ........... 0.400 ...... 4/10 ...... -
fourteenandoh ...... 0.400 ...... 4/10 ...... 4
mdoss2202 .......... 0.400 ...... 4/10 ...... -
UpNorthBuckeye ..... 0.400 ...... 4/10 ...... -
Brutus_-_NYC ....... 0.350 ...... 7/20 ...... -
GoodLifeSean ....... 0.350 ...... 7/20 ...... -
DefiantGray ........ 0.300 ...... 3/10 ...... -
korchiki ........... 0.300 ...... 3/10 ...... -
OGWheels ........... 0.300 ...... 3/10 ...... -
Osu|2002 ........... 0.300 ...... 3/10 ...... 3
ProudBuck67 ........ 0.300 ...... 3/10 ...... -
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