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With the 34th pick in the 2009 NFL Draft, the Arizona Cardinals select...


LeSean "Shady" McCoy, RB, Pittsburgh

St. Louis is on the clock...
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We really gave this pick some thought. We wanted the best player on the board that could improve our squad, and Lesean fit that bill. Tim is great in short yard situations and Lesean will pair well with him with his break away ability. Really the thing that sold us on Lesean was his ability to pick up the rusher and his ability to catch the ball out of the back field. Being that we like to throw the ball a couple times a game, those are some traits that will fit in well. I like is all around play, and he's a great pick up in the second round.
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Hey Roger, I hear Pac Man's at a strip club. The first round is over, what are you still doing here? It's MANGENIUS time!

With the 36th pick of the 2009 NFL Draft, the Cleveland Browns select Aaron Maybin, DE/LB, Penn State


NOW Seattle is on the clock.
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Mike Mayock;1405271; said:
I've got Chung as a safety, are you sure you want to make him a cb? You'd be better off with Wang Chung as a corner.

We can work with that... all options open at this point. Hell, you saw what I did with that running back Vick, didn't you. Chung may fill a D line position if I feel like it.

This is a playoff team with me as coach...
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Jim Mora;1405275; said:
We can work with that... all options open at this point. Hell, you saw what I did with that running back Vick, didn't you. Chung may fill a D line position if I feel like it.

This is a playoff team with me as coach...

Pl...playoffs ?
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