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Cushing is a gifted athlete with a reckless approach. He flies around looking to make the big hit, and he also provides a lot of versatility in the passing game. He will provide a strong presence at outside linebacker and also apply pressure to the quarterback.
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We were ecstaic to find Brian available, didn't feel he would be on the board at this point. He's a tackling machine that can play OLB opposite Karlos, or get down into a 3 point across from Antonio Smith. We showed some good ability in the playoffs to attack the opposing QB, but need to find some consistentcy through out the season in that area.

We will be re-signing Kurt, and had to part ways with Matt. We didn't want to hold back his career by keeping him on the sidelines. Todd should be able to utilize his talent in KC.
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Ken Whisenhunt;1405012; said:
We will be re-signing Kurt, and had to part ways with Matt. We didn't want to hold back his career by keeping him on the sidelines. Todd should be able to utilize his talent in KC.
This is as good a time to break the details of the trade my good friend Ken and KC brokered.

Matt Leinart to KC in exchange for KC's 2nd round pick.

What you say - didn't I just say he was a damned beach bum? Didn't I talk him down because I was poking holes in Sanchez?

Yes - I did. And if Sanchez had fallen (unlikely) then we'd have nabbed him in Rd 2 pick 2 off that round.

But he didn't fall.

Meantime public bad-mouthing of Leinart sorta helped keep a valuable commodity in play and we get one of the other two 'SC QB's up for trade this year (Cassell being the other option, but he would have come at a higher price).

So come on down to the cold, clean frosty air of KC Matt! (You'll soon see why we say their's a nip in the air - gettit?) A new lease on life and your salary goes further here than in Phoenix brother, believe it.

Once again a tip of the hat to that wizard behind the scenes Scott Pioli who engineered the trade - Scot tells me he heard some teams were considering 2 picks or a 2nd (maybe even 2nd and 3rd round) pick and a player, say like as if we had given up Gonzalez plus the picks in exchange for Leinart's services.

But we didn't have to do that.

Ken's happy, I'm happy, Scott's happy - now we have to get Matt to put on his happy face.

Oh, and someone PM'd me, don't call Spagnuolo "Spags" - wonder who that's about? :wink2:
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With the 32 pick in the 2009 NFL Draft, the Pittsburgh Steelers select...

Alex Mack, C, Cal

Detroit is on the clock
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Round 1
  1. Detroit - Matthew Stafford, QB, Georgia
  2. St. Louis - Eugene Monroe, OT, Virginia
  3. Kansas City - Aaron Curry, LB, Wake Forest
  4. Seattle - Michael Crabtree, WR, Texas Tech
  5. Cleveland - Beanie Wells, RB, The Ohio State University
  6. Cincinnati - Andre Smith, OT, Alabama
  7. Oakland - Jason Smith, OT, Baylor
  8. Jacksonville - Malcom Jenkins, CB, The Ohio State University
  9. Green Bay - B.J. Raji, DT, Boston College
  10. San Francisco - Mark Sanchez, QB, Southern Cal
  11. Buffalo - Brian Orakpo, DE, Texas
  12. Denver - Rey Maualuga, LB, USC
  13. Washington - Michael Oher, OT, Ole Miss
  14. New Orleans - James Laurinaitis, LB, The Ohio State University
  15. Houston - Everette Brown, DE, Florida State
  16. San Diego - Tyson Jackson, DE, LSU
  17. New York Jets - Knowshon Moreno, RB, Georgia
  18. Chicago - Jeremy Maclin, WR, Missouri
  19. Tampa Bay - Peria Jerry, DT, Ole Miss
  20. Carolina (from Detroit from Dallas) - Vontae Davis, CB, Illinois
  21. Philadelphia - Eben Britton, OT, Arizona
  22. Minnesota - Sen'Derrick Marks, DT, Auburn
  23. New England - Percy Harvin, WR, Florida
  24. Atlanta - Brandon Pettigrew, TE, Oklahoma State
  25. Miami - Larry English, DE, Northern Illinois
  26. Baltimore - Darius Heyward-Bey, WR, Maryland
  27. Indianapolis - Fili Moala, DT, Southern Cal
  28. Philadelphia (from Car) - George Robinson, OL, Oklahoma
  29. New York Giants - Clint Sintim, LB, Virginia
  30. Tennessee - Kenny Britt, WR, Rutgers
  31. Arizona - Brian Cushing, LB, Southern Cal
  32. Pittsburgh - Alex Mack, OC, California
Round 2
  1. Detroit - Merih
  2. Arizona (from KC) - starBUCKS
  3. St. Louis - Bucky Katt
  4. Cleveland - Smooth Olaf
  5. Seattle - TGfan06
  6. Cincinnati - DaytonBuck; Mothra
  7. Jacksonville - BigWoof31
  8. Oakland - Brutus1
  9. Green Bay (6-10) - brodybuck21
  10. Buffalo - korchiki
  11. San Francisco - stxbuck
  12. Miami (from Wash) - ahiacitian
  13. New York Giants (from Saints) - harrydangler
  14. Houston - BuckeyeNation27
  15. New England (from SD) - sears3820
  16. Denver - redbenn
  17. Chicago - BuckeyeDynasty
  18. Tampa Bay - IronBuckI
  19. Dallas - Buckeye513
  20. New York Jets - mross34
  21. Philadelphia - buckeyefool
  22. Minnesota - BB73
  23. Atlanta - The Man
  24. Miami - ahiacitian
  25. Baltimore - gracelhink
  26. New England - sears3820
  27. Carolina - BuckeyeMafia
  28. New York Giants - harrydangler
  29. Indianapolis - stowfan, alpo
  30. Tennessee - buckeyesforever
  31. Arizona - starBUCKS
  32. Pittsburgh - h0bb3s
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Although scouts have concerns about Smith's size and top-end speed his instincts and ball skills are second to none. He separated himself as the top cornerback in Mobile during the Senior Bowl festivities and now comes off the board as the #3 CB.
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Point Blank: We need playmakers...and with Alphonso's ball skills (15 int in 2 seasons) and ability to take them to the house (4 TD returns in career) we are more than willing to overlook his height. Also with the bolstering of our pass rush by the addition of Julius Peppers we think that we may rush some passes and have more opportunities to win the turnover battle. I had him rated as my number 2 corner, just ahead of Davis and a step behind Jenkins.

Think Antone Winfield...
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Roger Goodell;1405162; said:
With the 33rd pick in the 2009 NFL Draft, the Detroit Lions select...


Alphonso Smith, CB, Wake Forest

Kansas City is on the clock...

Jim Schwartz;1405167; said:
Point Blank: We need playmakers...and with Alphonso's ball skills (15 int in 2 seasons) and ability to take them to the house (4 TD returns in career) we are more than willing to overlook his height. Also with the bolstering of our pass rush by the addition of Julius Peppers we think that we may rush some passes and have more opportunities to win the turnover battle. I had him rated as my number 2 corner, just ahead of Davis and a step behind Jenkins.

Think Antone Winfield...

Son of a bitch. I miss Matt Millen. That bumbling ass never would have taken the guy I wanted. Thanks, Schwartz. You watch your ass, pr ick. :pissed:
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