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With the 80th pick in the 2009 BP Mock Draft, the Washington Redskins select..


Pat White, QB, West Virginia

Tampa Bay is on the clock...
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To me, he's got the 'it' factor. I don't care how big he is or whether or not he's accurate as a thrower. I want him on my team. I don't think he's a full-time quarterback. But to me, today, he's the best Wildcat quarterback in the NFL. Today. He can give you 10 to 15 snaps a game. He has the ability to run the option. The ability to throw the ball better than any Wildcat in the game right now. That's tremendous value. As long as he buys into the whole idea of using him wherever you need to. He's a great kid by all reports, so I think he'll jump on the opportunity to be a system QB.

Before the draft, I didn't feel that there were many out there who valued him as high as I do. I would have taken him in the second round because I think he's a leader and I think he presents major problems for a defense. Great value pick for Washington, especially for an offense with mild production at the QB position.
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After ignoring Snyder's pleadings for Hester a few years back and Maclin this season, we finally saw eye to eye on this extraordinary athlete.

With Washington's versatile athletes (Portis, Cooley, Randle-El... even the rookies if they can progress) the possibilities with Pat under center are limitless. This will lighten the load on our young starting quarterback as well, and allow a third dimension to our offensive attack.

We are still committed to Jason Campbell as our starting quarterback, but anytime you can add a dynamic playmaker like Patrick, especially this late in the draft, you have to pull the trigger.

Welcome to Washington, Patrick. We sure are glad Rodriguez took his running game to Morgantown North so we could witness your tremendous potential at this level. We have plenty of speed WRs and likely would have waited a few rounds , but there isn't a team in the league with a Pat White.
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Solid pick here by Tampa Bay, Mohamed is a good looking prospect. He runs precise routes, but I think he benefited from coming out of an offense with a quarterback who could throw the intermediate routes. He looked good not great at the senior bowl. I had him pegged as a second- or third-round pick but one who will play in the league for a long time.
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Round 1
  1. Detroit - Matthew Stafford, QB, Georgia
  2. St. Louis - Eugene Monroe, OT, Virginia
  3. Kansas City - Aaron Curry, LB, Wake Forest
  4. Seattle - Michael Crabtree, WR, Texas Tech
  5. Cleveland - Beanie Wells, RB, The Ohio State University
  6. Cincinnati - Andre Smith, OT, Alabama
  7. Oakland - Jason Smith, OT, Baylor
  8. Jacksonville - Malcom Jenkins, CB, The Ohio State University
  9. Green Bay - B.J. Raji, DT, Boston College
  10. San Francisco - Mark Sanchez, QB, Southern Cal
  11. Buffalo - Brian Orakpo, DE, Texas
  12. Denver - Rey Maualuga, LB, USC
  13. Washington - Michael Oher, OT, Ole Miss
  14. New Orleans - James Laurinaitis, LB, The Ohio State University
  15. Houston - Everette Brown, DE, Florida State
  16. San Diego - Tyson Jackson, DE, LSU
  17. New York Jets - Knowshon Moreno, RB, Georgia
  18. Chicago - Jeremy Maclin, WR, Missouri
  19. Tampa Bay - Peria Jerry, DT, Ole Miss
  20. Carolina (from Detroit from Dallas) - Vontae Davis, CB, Illinois
  21. Philadelphia - Eben Britton, OT, Arizona
  22. Minnesota - Sen'Derrick Marks, DT, Auburn
  23. New England - Percy Harvin, WR, Florida
  24. Atlanta - Brandon Pettigrew, TE, Oklahoma State
  25. Miami - Larry English, DE, Northern Illinois
  26. Baltimore - Darius Heyward-Bey, WR, Maryland
  27. Indianapolis - Fili Moala, DT, Southern Cal
  28. Philadelphia (from Car) - George Robinson, OL, Oklahoma
  29. New York Giants - Clint Sintim, LB, Virginia
  30. Tennessee - Kenny Britt, WR, Rutgers
  31. Arizona - Brian Cushing, LB, Southern Cal
  32. Pittsburgh - Alex Mack, OC, California
Round 2
  1. Detroit - Alphonso Smith, CB, Wake Forest
  2. Arizona (from KC) - LeSean "Shady" McCoy, RB, Pittsburgh
  3. St. Louis - DJ Moore, CB, Vanderbilt
  4. Cleveland - Aaron Maybin, DE/LB, Penn State
  5. Seattle - Patrick Chung, CB, University of Oregon
  6. Cincinnati - Michael Johnson, DE, Georgia Tech
  7. Jacksonville - Herman Johnson, OG, LSU
  8. Oakland - Max Unger, OL, Oregon
  9. Green Bay (6-10) - Victor Harris, CB, Virginia Tech
  10. Arizona (from Buffalo) - Hakeem Nicks, WR, North Carolina
  11. San Francisco - William Beatty, OT, Connecticut
  12. Miami (from Wash) - Louis Delmas, S, Western Michigan
  13. New York Giants (from Saints) - Brian Robiskie, WR, The Ohio State University
  14. Houston - William Moore, S, Missouri
  15. New England (from SD) - Clay Matthews, OLB, USC
  16. Denver - Rashad Johnson, S, Alabama
  17. Chicago - Phil Loadholt, OT, Oklahoma
  18. Tampa Bay - Kraig Urbik, OG, Wisconsin
  19. Dallas - Emanuel Cook, S, South Carolina
  20. New York Jets - Ramses Barden, WR, Cal Poly
  21. Philadelphia - Shonn Greene, RB, Iowa
  22. Minnesota - Jamon Meredith, OT, S. Carolina
  23. Atlanta - Ron Brace, DT, Boston College
  24. Miami - Sean Smith, CB, Utah
  25. Baltimore - Josh Freeman, QB, Kansas State
  26. New England - Mike Mickens, CB, Cincinnati
  27. Detroit (from Carolina) - Tony Kropog, OT, Tulane
  28. New York Giants - Paul Kruger, DE, Utah
  29. Indianapolis - Evander Ziggy Hood, DT, Missouri
  30. Tennessee - Darryl Beckwith, LB, LSU
  31. Buffalo (from Arizona) - Andy Levitre, OG, Oregon State
  32. Pittsburgh - Jarron Gilbert, DE/DT, San Jose State
Round 3

  1. Detroit - Dannell Ellerbe, LB, Georgia
  2. St. Louis - Antoine Caldwell, C, Alabama
  3. Kansas City - Fenuki Tupuo, OT, Oregon
  4. Seattle - Javon Ringer, RB, Michigan State
  5. Dallas (from Cleveland) - Derrick Williams, WR, Penn State
  6. Cincinnati - Jonathan Luigs, C, Arkansas
  7. Oakland - Robert Ayers, DE, Tennessee
  8. Jacksonville - Trevor Canfield, OG, Cincinnati
  9. Green Bay (6-10) - Travis Beckum, TE, Wisconsin
  10. San Francisco - Cody Brown, DE, Connecticut
  11. Buffalo - Chase Coffman, TE, Missouri
  12. Baltimore (from NYJ from Saints) - Darius Butler, CB, Connecticut
  13. Houston - Marcus Freeman, OLB, The Ohio State University
  14. San Diego - James Davis, RB, Clemson
  15. Denver - Scott McKillop, ILB, Pittsburgh
  16. Washington - Pat White, QB, West Virginia
  17. Tampa Bay - Mohamed Massaquoi, WR, Georgia
  18. Detroit (from Dallas) - Michael Hamlin, S, Clemson
  19. Green Bay (from Jets) - brodybuck21
  20. Chicago - BuckeyeDynasty
  21. Philadelphia - buckeyefool
  22. Minnesota - BB73
  23. Miami - ahiacitian
  24. New York Jets (from Ravens) - mross34
  25. New England - sears3820
  26. Atlanta - The Man
  27. New York Giants - harrydangler
  28. Indianapolis - stowfan, alpo
  29. Carolina - BuckeyeMafia
  30. Tennessee - buckeyesforever
  31. Arizona - starBUCKS
  32. Pittsburgh - h0bb3s
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Tampa Bay is extremely happy that Mohamed was still around in the third round. Mohamed is a big, fast receiver that we hope can develop a little more consistency, but is so talented that we simply could not pass him up in this round. Add in that Joey Galloway is a hundred years old, and we very much needed to get a wide receiver with the skill set to become a great one.
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