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With the 76th pick in the 2009 BP Mock Draft, the Baltimore Ravens select...


Darrius Butler, CB, Connecticut

Houston is on the clock...
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We needed depth at corner and consider Butler to be a great value in the 3rd round. He seems to have flown under the radar all his career, never had injury issues, and is the kind of cover corner we need in our defensive scheme. In his senior year he had a "drop off" in interceptions yet as we looked at the film we see that teams were avoiding his side of the field out of respect for his lock down talents. We also like his special team experience and potential as a returner. We had him as a potential for late first round and are amazed that he has lasted this long. We believe he can come in and compete for a starting position right away.
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John Harbaugh;1409408; said:
We needed depth at corner and consider Butler to be a great value in the 3rd round. He seems to have flown under the radar all his career, never had injury issues, and is the kind of cover corner we need in our defensive scheme. In his senior year he had a "drop off" in interceptions yet as we looked at the film we see that teams were avoiding his side of the field out of respect for his lock down talents. We also like his special team experience and potential as a returner. We had him as a potential for late first round and are amazed that he has lasted this long. We believe he can come in and compete for a starting position right away.

Agreed. He was my best available cb. (but I wanted him :biggrin: :()
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