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2008 tOSU Defense discussion (official thread)

DaddyBigBucks;1212648; said:
[/list]Originally Posted by Buckrock

Look for a dozen or so reserves to play prominent roles this fall.
  • Thadeus Gibson
  • Both Back Up Defensive Tackles (depends on who starts)
  • Rob Rose
  • Austin Spitler
  • Ross Homan (unless he ends up starting)
  • Chimdi Chekwa (starter if we start in nickel)
  • Sabino (maybe)
  • Rolle (Gotta get him on the field somewhere)
  • Jermale Hines (maybe)
  • Tyler Moeller(maybe)
  • ...Ok, this is getting embarrassing


First off, embarrassing is right. But at the end of the day it's what allows us to reload as opposed to rebuild. Good time to be a Buckeye.

Second, as I look at this team, and in particular this side of the ball, I'm encouraged, but it is not without reservation.

To the question asked earlier in the thread, (paraphrase) "Who will replace Vern?" This is a position that I'm less concerned about, quite frankly, than others on the D. We've got solid DEs who will fill his shoes quite well. Can't say that they will look like they were chiseled from granite, but they'll be quite capable.

The LB corps is a non-issue. Return two starters and have a great group coming up. No problem there.

DBs? Well, we know that we've got a fairly decent CB in MJ, eh? Having CC and DW is pretty comforting as well. Feel'n the love for the CBs. Safety? Not feeling quite as good about. Guess that I'm still waiting for the next Mike Doss. KC and AR are good, but I would like few things more than to see Jamo break through to be the player that we know he can be. That happens and I'm feeling much better about this. Either way you look at it though, the DBs all are going to have to be able to tackle in space. Missed tackles here, especially against a team like SC is going to be killer.

So, that leaves the interior line. Here is where my guarded optimism shows. These guys have to step it up big time for the team to compete on the elite level. I suspect that they will play well against the B10+1, and given the loss of players on the Oline for SC we may be OK, but this is the part of the team that I'm most concerned about. Just as there are higher expectations (and rightfully so) of TB now as a second year starter, I have similar expectations (and hopes) for the DT position.

Awwww hell. Here's to a great year.

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sparcboxbuck;1214088; said:
KC and AR are good, but I would like few things more than to see Jamo break through to be the player that we know he can be. That happens and I'm feeling much better about this.

Don't count on it and why O'Neal? I think Coleman and Russell have a good deal of potential themselves.
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Jamario always struck me as better suited for CB. He's got a lot of athletic ability, but seems to have trouble making zone coverage reads. That's definitely something that can be worked on, though. I haven't been disappointed in AR or KC, not many players compare favorably to Doss or Whitner. They were both still pretty young last year, so it's a very reasonable assumption that there will be improvement.
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generaladm;1214126; said:
Jamario always struck me as better suited for CB. He's got a lot of athletic ability, but seems to have trouble making zone coverage reads. That's definitely something that can be worked on, though. I haven't been disappointed in AR or KC, not many players compare favorably to Doss or Whitner. They were both still pretty young last year, so it's a very reasonable assumption that there will be improvement.

Jamario is pretty bulky for a CB. Not sure he's fluid enough to play the position.
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Jamario struggled to stick with most WRs in the North-South game, and not the ones headed anywhere on TV. Since then in practice and limited viewing, he has not performed on Amos/Lane's level in 1v1 coverage, let alone the top-3. I hope he steps up and proves us wrong, but so far I do not feel he's in the discussion with AR & KC.
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OregonBuckeye;1214154; said:
Jamario is pretty bulky for a CB. Not sure he's fluid enough to play the position.

Eh, he's about the same size as Jenkins, who is large for a CB. It's pretty much a moot point, since there's no need for O'neal to play CB, and it's his last season. When he did get some time at S, after Russell went down, he was a liability in coverage. I've seen him cover well in man to man, but he seemed confused about his assignments and switch offs. He's got good speed, but was out of position a lot. I hope he gets a chance to contribute this year.
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MJ and JO may be close to the same size. It is clear from looking at them that JO has a much higher center-of-gravity... too high to play CB. A high c.o.g. makes changing directions more difficult. MJ can change directions on a dime, a safety typically doesn't have to (but Jwins makes a good point about 1x1 coverage because of the common use of multi-wr sets).

I agree that JO's biggest problem to date has been keeping assignments/reads straight. My pie-in-the-sky, don't-really-expect-it hope for JO is that the emphasis on the cerebral side in the spring (and perhaps in camp?) will be what is needed to make this a break-out year for him.

Having said that, I agree with OB that (a) break-out year(s) from AR and/or KC are/is more likely and just as beneficial.
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DaddyBigBucks;1214273; said:
I agree that JO's biggest problem to date has been keeping assignments/reads straight. My pie-in-the-sky, don't-really-expect-it hope for JO is that the emphasis on the cerebral side in the spring (and perhaps in camp?) will be what is needed to make this a break-out year for him.

It seems to me that he's not the soundest open field tackler either. I remember a few times he'd come up to make the hit and then just completely miss. I think that Jamo can make an impact this year, albeit on special teams.
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OregonBuckeye;1214109; said:
Don't count on it and why O'Neal? I think Coleman and Russell have a good deal of potential themselves.

I guess re-reading my post it comes off as a bit down on Coleman and Russell. Didn't mean to be down on them as much as it sounded.

I should have said that with the rotations of the two deep (read: fresh legs) it's important, in my mind, for Jamo to have a very solid season so that when he's on the field it is more of a strength and less a liability.

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Russell was set back terribly by his injury. That injury may have cost us a National Championship. JamO was completely lost in the Florida game. :(
Great and talented kid who just can't seem to put it all together.
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