I can't pick four, but I love that James, Alex, Marcus, Malcolm, and Brian have all been mentioned as possibilities.
I'm not much into starting threads, and I guess this thread is as good as any to say what I have to say,, so I'll just say it.
Today was a very good day. Actually, it was the end to a couple of pretty darn good days. To the outside observor, it would be real easy to decipher that my "good day" mention revolves around the fact the our Star Linebacker decided to join a handful of select and talented players who had already decided to come back to the 2008 version of The Ohio State Buckeyes. And to that outside observor, he would be partially correct.
To my Buckeye brothers out there, and by that I mean "true" Buckeye brothers, you all know that it runs deeper than football. As a matter of fact, these past few days have really not had a whole helluva lot to do with football.
We're all here for a specific reason, that "Bond" that brings us together,and it's Buckeye football. We celebrate when they win, we depress when they lose. We cheer our players when they perform well, yet we see others around us curse and belittle those who don't, and "those" people are the one's I guess I'm going to address here.
We live in a "get rich quick" society for the most part. It's why the gambling Casino's rake in Billions. It's why betting on sporting events is legal. It's why the lines are so long in the Convenience stores when the Mega MIllions or Powerball jackpots go through the roof. It's why people purchase infomercial crap at 4:00am on how to get rich in real estate or in the stock market on a whim. It's why a guy is willing to spend his entire $400 paycheck on scratch-off Lottery tickets, hoping that he hits one for $500. So, with all of these realities in front of us, why would a 21 year old kid pass up the opportunity to have $$$ given to him the the extent that he'd never have to work a day in his life after his "initial" NFL contract was up?
Think about this if you (and I KNOW none of you) ever have the urge to rip, rag-on, belittle, curse, or even have a negative thought about not only the players on this team that decided to give up being rich, but for any kid that represents this great University on the gridiron. What we've seen over the past couple days is that these are not only great kids, but they are kids that love this football program one helluva lot more than any of us could ever understand. For the next year, these players have committed to waking up at 5:00am every day. Working out. Taking a full load of College courses. Studying. Practicing. More workouts. More studying. Going to bed at midnight and doing the same damn thing the next day. Day after day, and not for a single penny. They play for the love of the CFB game, the experience, and to bring joy to every single one of us for 3 simple hours a week for 12 weeks. It's easy for us, when the game is over we go back to our comfy, cozy lifes. Many of us are established, we have good jobs, families, and pretty much know what life has in store for us. Not so easy for these players. Tomorrow their dreams could all end. And not just for star players that could possibly lose out on huge NFL $$$, but for a kid like Ty Gentry who was just here for the reasons that I mentioned above, the RIGHT reasons!
Anyway, I've been WAY too long winded and need to stop, for "you're" sake if not for my own. Just remember what these kids stand for when they put on that uniform every saturday afternoon. And it doesn't matter if they're an All-American or a walk-on with a duplicate jersey#. Enjoy them, respect them, and appreciate what they do. I have had the tendency to "cringe" over the years at looking at young men this age walking around the Shopping Malls and being petrified that these are the leaders of tomorrow. Then my senses catch up to me and I look at the class and character that "our" kids this age bring to the table, and it makes it alot easier to sleep at night. The future of "our" nation as reflected in the "Buckeye" nation is strong.
And As Always, GO BUCKEYES!!!