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2008 Ohio State Offense

jwinslow;1219372; said:
TDs are less crucial to me, I'd rather see this trend repeat itselfI think this kind of improvement is very possible (progression-wise, ignoring Beanie stealing yards/plays), and would be more than enough for OSU to achieve their goals.

With the defense as good as it should be and some fairly weak opponents, Todd would have to do a lot of damage in the first halves of games to rack up that kind of yardage. Plus, with all of the running backs, we should run for well over 200 yards a game. If Todd made that kind of improvement, we would be virtually unstoppable on offense.
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MililaniBuckeye;1219577; said:
The mobility gap between Pryor and Bauserman far outweighs the pro-style gap between Bauserman and Pryor.

Well, it's kind of pointless to try and predict what will happen in '09 anyway. I have no clue how many reps either of them are going to get this year and I have no clue how fast they progress towards next year. Nothing would really surprise me.

FWIW, Bauserman showed off some really good moves in the spring game. Two of his more impressive plays were avoiding Worthington in the endzone for what would've been a safety and juking Brian Rolle at full speed picking up positive yardage. I knew he wasn't a statue in the pocket but I had no idea he was actually a threat running the ball. He's not a going to run for an 80 yard TD like Pryor can though.
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OregonBuckeye;1219595; said:
Well, it's kind of pointless to try and predict what will happen in '09 anyway. I have no clue how many reps either of them are going to get this year and I have no clue how fast they progress towards next year. Nothing would really surprise me.

FWIW, Bauserman showed off some really good moves in the spring game. Two of his more impressive plays were avoiding Worthington in the endzone for what would've been a safety and juking Brian Rolle at full speed picking up positive yardage. I knew he wasn't a statue in the pocket but I had no idea he was actually a threat running the ball. He's not a going to run for an 80 yard TD like Pryor can though.

Bauserman impressed the hell out of me in the spring game, but I don't think he'll start ahead of Pryor, even if Pryor is only half as good as the hype. And with all the nice info coming out of summer camp about Pryor, he may be seeing far more time on the field this year than most expected...
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Bucky Katt;1219541; said:
Yeah, I'm the one who suggested it. I was just expressing my happiness that it caught on with at least one other person. :biggrin:

I thought that might be the case. You can count me in as a supporter for the Morgan :slappy: Trent: UM defensive/OSU offensive MVP in '08 campaign.
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MililaniBuckeye;1219646; said:
Bauserman impressed the hell out of me in the spring game, but I don't think he'll start ahead of Pryor, even if Pryor is only half as good as the hype. And with all the nice info coming out of summer camp about Pryor, he may be seeing far more time on the field this year than most expected...

Does 'most' include those of us that expected Henton to start? :biggrin:
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DaytonBuck;1216368; said:
From listening to Michginia fans Morgan Trent was one of the best athletes in CFB this century. Trent is some super hero level athlete to them. He beat Ginn in the 400 meter once!

[sarcasm]Those tsun fans are right... That will come in handy for the next time he needs to run 400 meters in one snap of the ball. [/sarcasm]
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Ohio State football
Offensive schemes offer various themes

Sunday, August 10, 2008 3:47 AM
By Ken Gordon


Listening to the offseason buzz, one might think the Ohio State offense this year will resemble a three-ring circus.
Not only do the Buckeyes return a senior quarterback, both starting receivers, four starting linemen and a Heisman Trophy candidate at running back, but there is heady talk of new formations, new schemes and a certain freshman quarterback who, if one believes the hype, might end up reinventing the game.
Cue the calliope. Ponies and pistols and Pryor, oh my!
But when confronted with the question of just how different the 2008 offense might look, the aforementioned Heisman candidate gave a blank stare.
"I don't really think it will look different," running back Chris "Beanie" Wells said. "I think it will be the same old traditional Ohio State football."
Really? Three yards and a cloud of rubber particles?
"Yup," Wells said, but his expression had changed slightly. There was a hint of a smile, as if he were practicing his best Mona Lisa impression.

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CPD: Ohio State adds pistol formation to offensive arsenal

Ohio State adds pistol formation to offensive arsenal

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Doug Lesmerises

Columbus- It was just a question about an offensive formation, yet it made Todd Boeckman forget how to speak.

"Uhh-aaah-eeeeh," Boeckman groaned.

The pistol formation. Modified shotgun, with the running back behind the quarterback. Ohio State was running it in practice when the Big Ten Network cameras were there Tuesday.

The pistol, Todd.

"It's something we're trying to add," the Buckeyes' senior quarterback finally admitted during Thursday's team photo day, which served as the backdrop for what turned into a pistol investigation.

Why might it be effective for Ohio State?

"I don't know," Boeckman said. "We're still working on it right now, so we'll have to wait and see."

The quarterback has been gagged.

"That's because Todd has to face coach [Jim] Bollman," OSU coach Jim Tressel said.

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CapnStubby;1228243; said:
just caught a blurb on the Fox Toledo news about a new formation nicknamed "the pistol" that we are running. Was it total BS or does someone know what this is?


Pistol formation is where the QB is lined up in the shotgun with the RB behind him. Don't know if this really requires its own thread.

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I guess I should have just googled it

Plain Dealer Reporter
Columbus- It was just a question about an offensive formation, yet it made Todd Boeckman forget how to speak.
"Uhh-aaah-eeeeh," Boeckman groaned.
The pistol formation. Modified shotgun, with the running back behind the quarterback. Ohio State was running it in practice when the Big Ten Network cameras were there Tuesday.


The pistol, Todd.
"It's something we're trying to add," the Buckeyes' senior quarterback finally admitted during Thursday's team photo day, which served as the backdrop for what turned into a pistol investigation.
Why might it be effective for Ohio State?
"I don't know," Boeckman said. "We're still working on it right now, so we'll have to wait and see."
The quarterback has been gagged.
"That's because Todd has to face coach [Jim] Bollman," OSU coach Jim Tressel said.

Complete story
Ohio State adds pistol formation to offensive arsenal - Cleveland.com
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