I think we've got more interesting personnel combinations this year than previously. There are more versatile offensive players who can be put into "tweener" roles, Saine, Stoneburner, Pryor, and Flash, most notably. The "shotGinn" formation was all the rage for a minute, but once Smith proved that he could make any throw on the field, it pretty much disappeared. With all the talent and experience on O, it would be very possible to install some crazy schemes, but I believe the production will be fine without going to extremes. It would be nice to see some more spread formations ala 06, if TB can get comfortable with it. I'm sure the coaches will come up with a strategy that highlights the strengths of the players. Hell, before the 03 season, I thought a pony backfield with Lydell and MoHall would work like gangbusters. I don't think I've been more wrong about anything in my life!