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LitlBuck;1234939; said:
I wonder if Japan pitched that samerubber armed "lady" the pitched the previous two games for them one of which went extra innings. I guess our Babe Ruth did not come through for us.

The Europeans and Middle Eastern countries and probably ever other country except for Japan and the United States will probably vote against any type of baseball.

Japan started Ueno today. She has pitched 28 innings in the last two days.

Team USA had bases loaded twice (1st and 6th) and couldn't capitalize either time. Bustos came up in the sixth and they gave her a IBB, taking the bat out of her hands. Bases juiced with one out in the 6th, two pop outs ended the threat.
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Up and down morning/evening on the track for the US team...

The suck: Both 4x100 relay teams were DQ'd as both the men and women dropped the last exchange. Just get the freaking baton around the track in the prelims! Disgraceful. :shake:

The OK: Allison Felix won the silver medal in the 200m. The US had a good showing but only have 1 medal to show for it (placed 2,4,5). The Jamacian sprint dominance continued by winning the gold and bronze medals.

The potentially positive: Bryan Clay leads the decathlon and Trey Hardee is 3rd through 4 events.

The good: David Payne finishes 2nd and David Oliver finishes 3rd in the 110m hurdles. As expected Cuba's Dayron Robles won easily and came close to breaking his own world record.

The great: The US followed up the 400m hurdle medal sweep with an equally impressive medal sweep in the 400m dash. The minor surprise was LaShawn Merritt beating Jeremy Warnier by a second.
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tibor75;1233817; said:
Pretty stupid analysis by that writer. Everybody knew going in that the Chinese strongest sports included gymnastics and diving. Gee, which sports have judging? :roll1:

Gee I guess its impossible for China to encourage their people to excel in sports that they could easily corrupt. :roll1:

Tibor, you are a shell of what you used to be. When I found BP you could hijack any thread. Now :shake: not so much
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bkochmc;1234947; said:
Up and down morning/evening on the track for the US team...

The suck: Both 4x100 relay teams were DQ'd as both the men and women dropped the last exchange. Just get the freaking baton around the track in the prelims! Disgraceful. :shake:
You would think that in the prelims that they would be a little careful when passing the baton. It's not like anybody is going to beat them in the prelims and probably the only competition for a gold medal would have been Jamaica. As you said, just stupid.:!
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LitlBuck;1234939; said:
The Europeans and Middle Eastern countries and probably ever other country except for Japan and the United States will probably vote against any type of baseball.

Then the baseball/softball playing countries should all vote down some of the stupid shit that those countries do... like RACE WALKING. Did anybody else see that stupid crap. They look like they're all trying to jog while holding in a big poop.

Meanwhile, the gold medal match in women's soccer is in about the 85th minute. The USA is fortunate that this one is still a 0-0 tie. Brazil is dominating possession and has been putting constant pressure on the USA back line. For most of the second half at least, it has looked like they were playing a woman down. It looks like the best chance for the USA to pull this one out is to get a mistake from the Brazilian keeper. She has made some questionable decisions coming off her line on the few chances the USA has had possession in their end.
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I must not understand the bracket in the Softball Tourney.

Seems to me, once you end pool play, it becomes double elimination. It makes little sense that Japan would lose to the US in the quarters and even be eligible to make the finals if it's single elimination.
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USA wins, 1-0 over Brazil.

This match really came to life in extra time. This gold medal was a great accomplishment after losing their best player to injury right before the tournament and then losing in a disappointing opener against Norway.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1235014; said:
I must not understand the bracket in the Softball Tourney.

Seems to me, once you end pool play, it becomes double elimination. It makes little sense that Japan would lose to the US in the quarters and even be eligible to make the finals if it's single elimination.

I believe the GMG is one shot takes all no matter if you lost before or not.
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