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Oh8ch;1234218; said:
What I can't understand in regards to diving, gymnastics, etc. is that with today's technology why can't they let the judges watch a slow mo replay and judge that? It would slow down the process, but if you can be fair to an athlete who has worked for four years isn't it worth it?
correct me if i'm wrong, but i think they do watch slow mo's for certain things. i remember seeing something during an event.
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Oh8ch;1234218; said:
What I can't understand in regards to diving, gymnastics, etc. is that with today's technology why can't they let the judges watch a slow mo replay and judge that? It would slow down the process, but if you can be fair to an athlete who has worked for four years isn't it worth it?

Agree, and just and example. In the floor exercise they have people that stand in each corner, and anytime someone steps out of bounds they throw up a red flag. So why can't they have something similar in the other events. You do a balance check, the red flag goes up, etc.
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tibor75;1233814; said:
:slappy: at LowLow Jones choking a medal away. I live for moments like this.

so your only reason to live is watching others fail? thats kinda pathetic. have you considered redirecting some of that energy towards having sex with a person? it really does live up to the hype. well, probably not for you. but id assume its better than watching jones trip, even for you.
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OCBucksFan;1233901; said:
So... any athletic contest where there isn't a score doesn't count? Let's remove Diving, Ice Skating, Skating, Skateboarding, Snowboarding, several types of Gymnastics, and tons of other sports from any type of contest. Why? Because there's no judge needed for groundhog killing!

Ok, sarcasm aside. Thump, these accomplishments require so much body control and so much training that it wouldn't be fair to take them away. I did diving in High School, and I know only the slightest percentage of the training these guys go through and it was tough. These are tougher sports than many that people root for... who suffers more training and needs better endurance, a baseball player or a gymnast?

By your statement, the fat guy on the mound is competing in a sport, and the guy who's committed his entire life to gymnastics has wasted it.

Sorry, I disagree, maybe you should have done a "judged sport" in your life and you would understand that you don't know what your competition is, you do know that you need to be perfect. Every team in sports sees who they need to beat, those in judged sports just know they need to be unbeatable.

Judging = Not a sport

All those "sports" you named are not "sports", they are athletic events.
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Not sure if anyone has heard this yet, but apparently, Shawn Johnson's coach, Liang Chow is originally from Beijing. He moved to West Des Moines, Iowa and opened a gymnastics studio there. Shawn Johnson went there when she was 6 and now she's won a gold medal in his former country! What an incredible story!

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Bucky Katt;1234436; said:

Not sure if anyone has heard this yet, but apparently, Shawn Johnson's coach, Liang Chow is originally from Beijing. He moved to West Des Moines, Iowa and opened a gymnastics studio there. Shawn Johnson went there when she was 6 and now she's won a gold medal in his former country! What an incredible story!

I think I heard the other American gymnast had a father who was a gymnast in Russia - can you confirm that for me?

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