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Napoleonbuck;840530; said:
They need to follow the spirit of the law in this case, especially considering the timing. If Phoenix gets two starters suspended(without physically being within ten feet of the incident mind you), while San Antonio gets one non-starter suspended for basically clotheslining Phoenix's best player and the reigning two time MVP into the scorer's table, then the NBA needs to seriously reconsider the way in which they hand out suspensions.

There has to be a point where common sense comes into play with these situations. Hopefully Stern interferes and just gives Horry the suspension and fines to Diaw and Amare. I mean, that's the only logical solution.

I'm sure he will....to protect the NBA's bottom line. Sure don't want the boring Spurs in the final yet again.. :sleep2: :roll1:
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tibor75;840499; said:
Nope, the rule is fine the way it is. There are 5 and 5 players on the court at all times. No need for bench players to even THINK about entering the court to join a brawl.

It is common nature to want to come to the aid of your teammte, especially being a starter...Amare and Diaw are starters, the spurs had all their starters on the floor...

I'm sure he will....to protect the NBA's bottom line. Sure don't want the boring Spurs in the final yet again.. :sleep2: :roll1:

I don't think that this should hve anything to do with it...I think what it should have to do with is the fact that you are going to kill the series if you suspend Amare and Diaw...Two starters, for not even being involved in the incident...
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Suspend Horry for the rest of the series. Intentionally trying to re-injure nash is unacceptable.

If Diaw/Amare did not shove/punch anyone, then don't suspend them. The spirit of the rule is okay, but it should be open to interpretation.
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jwinslow;840587; said:
Suspend Horry for the rest of the series. Intentionally trying to re-injure nash is unacceptable.

If Diaw/Amare did not shove/punch anyone, then don't suspend them. The spirit of the rule is okay, but it should be open to interpretation.

Not sure about the whole rest of the series...One game is enough...

The second part you said, I agree with to a t...
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intent to injure? the foul had strategic value. it was hard, im fine with that.

the amare/diaw issue is also interesting. though, will nash be suspended for getting up and throwing his open hand into the scrum?

does bell get suspended?

the suns are playing the officiating in the media. every game theyve done it so far in this serious.

personally i say you either got throw the book at a bunch of these guys, or let it slide. well see what kind of sack stern has. anything short of a handful or no suspensions is junk...
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jimotis4heisman;840614; said:
intent to injure? the foul had strategic value. it was hard, im fine with that.
Just because the foul had strategic value does not change the fact that Horry committed a foul with the intent prove a point. I do not know if he wanted to injure Nash, but he must be suspended for the next game. Bell's foul on Kobe last year might not have been meant to injure Kobe, but nonetheless if was a blatant display of trying to send a message through excessive force.
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jimotis4heisman;840614; said:
intent to injure? the foul had strategic value. it was hard, im fine with that.

Seriously. I don't watch as much NBA anymore as I do college ball, and have been very amused at the hand-wringing and suspension talk over plays that would earn no more than *maybe* an intentional or technical foul call in a college game.
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jimotis4heisman;840614; said:
intent to injure? the foul had strategic value. it was hard, im fine with that.
What was the strategic value? The contact point of that elbow was right at eye level.
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What was the strategic value? The contact point of that elbow was right at eye level.
1 possession game, you arent going to make me insult your intelligence are you?

finley went for nash no call. horry had to make sure the call was made. he did that. interestingly enough grabbing a guy is a flagrant foul also (or in writing is such).

i dont get the hinrich/kobe examples. situations were different. the foul had strategic value in this situation. it needed to be made and had to be called...

like i said a handful of suspensions or nothing.
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jimotis4heisman;840666; said:
1 possession game, you arent going to make me insult your intelligence are you?

finley went for nash no call. horry had to make sure the call was made. he did that. interestingly enough grabbing a guy is a flagrant foul also (or in writing is such).

i dont get the hinrich/kobe examples. situations were different. the foul had strategic value in this situation. it needed to be made and had to be called...

like i said a handful of suspensions or nothing.
So you don't have a problem with any foul being that hard as long as it is theoretically just to stop the clock?
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jimotis4heisman;840666; said:
1 possession game, you arent going to make me insult your intelligence are you?
I think it had a strategic value you seem to be ignoring/disbelieving.
finley went for nash no call. horry had to make sure the call was made. he did that. interestingly enough grabbing a guy is a flagrant foul also (or in writing is such).
No call was made b/c Finley barely touched Nash, if at all. You can get a foul call without decking someone to the ground.

He sure seemed like he was sending a message more than stopping the clock.
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tibor75;840698; said:
Can't stop laughing at the Nash acting job at the end of that. :slappy:
Yep I didn't notice that until rewatching these youtube videos. Personally, I'd fine Nash for that before his teammates.

I'd love for the NBA to clamp down on acting, much like they were supposed to do in soccer (hand out cards for flops).
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jwinslow;840704; said:
Yep I didn't notice that until rewatching these youtube videos. Personally, I'd fine Nash for that before his teammates.

I'd love for the NBA to clamp down on acting, much like they were supposed to do in soccer (hand out cards for flops).

Yeah, I didn't notice it at first, only after the TNT replays. It's the same in soccer - you see a hard foul, the guy go flying and you say, "Wow, that should be a red card." And then you look and see it's really a yellow card and the players just flopped all over hte place. And just like soccer, the player gets up seconds later 100%

Bravo...Nash...bravo :roll1:
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