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2007 Army All-American Bowl

OregonBuckeye;705942; said:
How has that 3 star linebacker who's committed to Notre Dame looked? I think his name is something like Aaron Nagel.

Why the hell is there a three star player playing in the mosy prestigous high school All-American game? I'm assuming it has something to do with him being a ND commit.
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RhodeIslandBuck;705949; said:
Why the hell is there a three star player playing in the mosy prestigous high school All-American game? I'm assuming it has something to do with him being a ND commit.

Certainly someone has to pipe in and say "star ratings don't mean a thing." Legend has it that Scout.com one-star prospect Nick Mangold was an Army All-American and went on to become a first round draft pick.

(In all actuality, Mangold was VERY highly regarded on Rivals, Scout just didn't have any info on him. He belonged.)

Oh yeah. Notre dame sucks and so does the media bias towards them. :tongue2:
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I think some of these evaluators on Rivals/Scout just have no clue how to evaluate CBs. I remember last year when everyone raved about Raeshon McNeil, a ND recruit, because no pass was completed to his guy and he had an INT. But it was PLAINLY OBVIOUS that just about every single time he was beat TERRIBLY and was only saved by horribly underthrown balls by the West QBs, including his INT. Yet, due to his production, all the evaluators raved about him and moved him way up in the rankings. Usually, over a season, good luck and bad luck balance out and stats can be a good indicator, but you can't judge one game just by stats. Anyway, this season, he barely got onto the field with Notre Dame's terrible, TERRIBLE secondary.
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Scout $


Newberg's impressions of practice so far...he thinks Martin could become a special player.

More praise for Chris Jacobson as well...wish he hadn't committed to Pitt almost a year ago and we had had a chance to get in on him.
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dingyibvs;706341; said:
I think some of these evaluators on Rivals/Scout just have no clue how to evaluate CBs. I remember last year when everyone raved about Raeshon McNeil, a ND recruit, because no pass was completed to his guy and he had an INT. But it was PLAINLY OBVIOUS that just about every single time he was beat TERRIBLY and was only saved by horribly underthrown balls by the West QBs, including his INT. Yet, due to his production, all the evaluators raved about him and moved him way up in the rankings. Usually, over a season, good luck and bad luck balance out and stats can be a good indicator, but you can't judge one game just by stats. Anyway, this season, he barely got onto the field with Notre Dame's terrible, TERRIBLE secondary.

Insert Walls into this sterotype too. He seemed to get beat all over the field this year, especially in the USC, LSU, and scUM games.
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korchiki;706731; said:
I agree with what you guys that they are getting beat a lot...but keep in mind they are only freshmen going against some pretty good receivers with those teams...

Jenkins was a freshmen last year and Washington, Amos, and Coleman were this year to. The receivers were not 10 yds behind them too many times this season.
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Jenkins was a freshmen last year and Washington, Amos, and Coleman were this year to. The receivers were not 10 yds behind them too many times this season.
jenkins clearly is a very good CB so i guess he is the exception...amos and washington were both red shirt freshmen thus never saw the field their true freshmen year...coleman started off playing well but then got passed up due to his inexperience...overall they really werent put in that kind of situation

fact is ND has no one else they could play...so they went to the true freshmen
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