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2007 Army All-American Bowl

txbuckeye1983;707300; said:
Yeah, I'll be tuning in to see Clifford, Wright, and Thompson. Maybe Martin, Davis, or Barksdale will suprised us all and pull out a hat with an O on it.

I hope you are right. But just in case I agree that it is OSU BB with the AA being Tivo'd. That was I can just FF through the ugly parts.

Oh well...move along people. Nothing to see here.
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Jt4prez;707273; said:
I agree, it seems like this game always sets us up for dissapointment. Is there really any reason to watch the game now? Davis to Rutgers, Barksdale to LSU and Martin to UT. We cant catch a break.

I don't see anything in his thread about him committing to Rutgers...
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Buckin' A;707724; said:
Hey, who knows, we could get a surprise our way...:wink:

Either way, it's going to be a great game to watch.

"Buck-in A..."
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