This from some one with knowledge of such things.....
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Folks -
Some useful background on testosterone use by athletes and testing
used to detect it, from a 2001 New Yorker piece by Malcolm Gladwell:
Through much of the eighties and nineties, most sports organizations
conducted their drug testing only at major competitions. Athletes
taking testosterone would simply do what Johnson did, and taper off
their use in the days or weeks prior to those events. So sports
authorities began randomly showing up at athletes' houses or training
sites and demanding urine samples. To this, dopers responded by taking
extra doses of epitestosterone with their testosterone, so their T/E
would remain in balance. Testers, in turn, began treating elevated
epitestosterone levels as suspicious, too. But that still left
athletes with the claim that they were among the few with naturally
elevated testosterone. Testers, then, were forced to take multiple
urine samples, measuring an athlete's T/E ratio over several weeks.
Someone with a naturally elevated T/E ratio will have fairly
consistent ratios from week to week. Someone who is doping will have
telltale spikes--times immediately after taking shots or pills when
the level of the hormone in his blood soars. Did all these precautions
mean that cheating stopped? Of course not. Athletes have now switched
from injection to transdermal testosterone patches, which administer a
continuous low-level dose of the hormone, smoothing over the old,
incriminating spikes. The patch has another advantage: once you take
it off, your testosterone level will drop rapidly, returning to
normal, depending on the dose and the person, in as little as an hour.
"It's the peaks that get you caught," says Don Catlin, who runs the
U.C.L.A. Olympic Analytical Laboratory. "If you took a pill this
morning and an unannounced test comes this afternoon, you'd better
have a bottle of epitestosterone handy. But, if you are on the patch
and you know your own pharmacokinetics, all you have to do is pull it
off." In other words, if you know how long it takes for you to get
back under the legal limit and successfully stall the test for that
period, you can probably pass the test. And if you don't want to take
that chance, you can just keep your testosterone below 6:1, which, by
the way, still provides a whopping performance benefit. "The bottom
line is that only careless and stupid people ever get caught in drug
tests," Charles Yesalis says. "The lite athletes can hire top medical
and scientific people to make sure nothing bad happens, and you can't
catch them."