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2006 Spring Game info/discussion

good breakdown by coachBT on GBW (based on multiple days of observation)

<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" width="100%"><tbody><tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><td align="left" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="20%"> coachBt
Hall of Fame
Posts: 4979
(4/22/06 5:42:13 pm )

</td><td class="m" align="left" valign="top">
Re: Thoughts on the OSU Spring Game <hr>Just spent last 3 days in Columbus. Most of what you saw on Saturday was just more of the same from Thursday. richardsons looked very good both days. Not sure how much was him and how much terrible OT play. Boone looked bad both days as did Kerr. Cordle has some of the best feet on the team but needs some major strength training. Really like Downing. </td></tr></tbody></table>
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" width="100%"><tbody><tr bgcolor="#ffffff"> <td align="left" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="20%"> coachBt
Hall of Fame
Posts: 4982
(4/22/06 8:00:32 pm )

</td> <td class="m" align="left" valign="top">
Re: Thoughts on the OSU Spring Game <hr> D line - Overall improved, especially with edge pass rush. Richardson, Gholston, and Lawrence all show great potential off the corner. Pitcock is a pitbull against the run. But the DTs did not show much middle push. And OSU is going to miss Kudla against the run. Especially against teams that run the outside zone play.
Lber- Drop off, question is how much. And I am not sure yet. Strength of the group is quickness and athletic ability. But only Freeman on the outside showed strength at POA. Would rate Hobbler as 2nd best and probably best against the pass. Biggest difference IMHO is physical play. Only Freeman showed me consistant lights out hitting. And man does he use the pads. Twice at practice the DBs stopped and looked when Freeman popped someone good. Hobbler showed flashes but not consistantly.
DBs- Excellent collection of athletes. Speed and more speed. But they are not as physical IMHO as last year. And heard DB coaches screaming many times about safeties making wrong calls in secondary. On Nicol's catch in 1st series someine in the secondary either vacated their zone or 1 of safeties blew a call. Today there is drop off IMHO, but because of their athletic ability they have potential to be as good or slightly better.
Overall- OSU has potential to be better against the pass and if one of the DTs steps up and provides middle push the pass rush could be very good. Against the run I am not as sure especially against team who run stretch plays. Very possibly could be better athletically, but as of today they were not nearly as physical.
</td> </tr><tr bgcolor="#ffffff"> <td align="left" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="20%"> coachBt
Hall of Fame
Posts: 4983
(4/22/06 8:11:27 pm )

</td> <td class="m" align="left" valign="top">
Re: Thoughts on the OSU Spring Game <hr> John Kerr is a tackling machine. If he starts would not be suprised to see him lead OSU in tackles. Has very good form and did not see him miss more than 1 or possibly two tackles. He is very good at plugging A or possibly B gaps. What he does not do well is move lateraly and is not a big hitter in the Schaegel/Wilhelm mold. Also can be hinderance in pass coverage.</td></tr></tbody></table>
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It was a great time at the Shoe, sat right near the entrance in the SE corner to people watch. I need to brush up on my 2007 recruits, but Nate Oliver was here, along with Mark Wetterer and Lebron Daniel. Ginn Sr. was around, as were Youboty, Everett, Whitner, Kudla, Sims, Salley, Schlegel (looking very redneck) and surprisingly enough, Will Smith. Saw Santonio do an interview from the other side of the endzone, but he didn't come over. Robiskie's younger brothers and father were here. Spotted HAYN doing a good job as usual. Troy, Jamario, and Barton are awesome with the fans, as are most of the former players. As for the game:

QBs: Smith is Smith, one of the most talented and respected guys on the team. He was on the headset and helping Schoenhoft out in the second half. Seems like a cool dude off the field as well. He and Zwick looked very sharp. Todd and Rob were inconsistent, Schoenhoft has a cannon but miscommunicated at least twice, missing a receiver by 10+ yards. Both stared down receivers. Robbie is very nimble, but quick to run. Boeckman looked mobile enough, and ran the option with MoWells once.

RBs: Pittman actually dressed but didn't play. All three guys looked good, Maurice in the 2nd half when they let him get the ball in space. Beanie is huge...not nearly as squat as #13. The kid will live up to the hype. He threw an "ole" block on Lawrence Wilson after Skinner got blown up. Nothing much from the fullbacks.

WR/TE: Robiskie and Hartline are the next stars on this team, they both show great body control and hands. Hartline's fumble came when he tried to stop himself from going down, pretty much an unforced error. He also lined up in the Shot-Ginn position at least once. Lyons may have had the best catch of the day. Ginn had his ankle wrapped coming out for the 2nd half, but looked OK. Hall and Dukes were fine. The tight ends were involved a bit. Nicol looked very good, Frost dropped a couple, and walk-on John Larson caught a long one in the 4th quarter. Devin Jordan didn't even have his jersey on, so I'm thinking he is done for good.

OL: Tackles seemed to have a bit of a problem, especially Boone and Skinner. Rehring saw most if not all of his time at guard and was good. Whaley and Cordle were steady at center. Mitchum and Person were OK with the second team. Kerr was quiet, not sure how much he played. Hard to judge this unit with Datish and Barton out and Downing playing a half.

DL: Was very impressed with Abdallah and Wilson, who bullrushed Skinner and Beanie as mentioned above. Denlinger had his safety, Penton made some noise. Barrow was very quiet. Gholston, Patterson and Richardson were fine in their time, David is a leader on the sidelines.

LB: Homan is an absolute stud, and I'd be dumbfounded if he doesn't get time this season. Hoobler looked under control and very good in pass coverage. Terry was playing a lot of snaps at a down position a la Carpenter. Spitler and Kerr were there, but didn't do a ton. Freeman had a ton of tackles, but he's looked better. Grant and Laurinaitis did well in the 2nd half. There is an embarassment of riches at OLB.

DBs: No one played spectacularly well, but there wasn't anyone burnt either. Nick Patterson was carted off, but came back w/o pads and was playing around with a kid after the game, so he should be OK. Coleman appears ready to contribute. The only guys who didn't get much time were Welch and Roberts. Still a 4-way race to start opposite Jenkins. Safeties were very quiet, but they didn't have a whole lot to do based on the offense that was run. Russell did get run over by Beanie one time. Again, not much separation between the 1s and 2s here.

ST: Skeete lives, but never saw the field. Pettrey/Pretorius looked good, Trapasso was steady, but all punts were automatically fair catches. Makridis, the backup long snapper, got hit with a penalty. Lots of combos on the returns, including Beanie in the triangle position with Haw and Gonzalez on the opening kick.

All in all, this team is gonna be studly again this year, and a long time to come. This team is extremely young (not including Jordan, only 27 juniors/seniors on scholarship), and the winners of the 2006 position battle will be still be around in 2007 for the most part. QB will be one race to watch.

thats an excellent write up, greenies to you. id emphasize how good the d line looked. the backup qb's got knocked around alot. ginn was open just about every time he went downfield. hall was very good today. how his td catch wasn't ruled a catch is beyond me. pitt is clearly the starter at tb as beenie had a rough time pass blocking. but once he gets that down, he is going to be evil. i was dissapointed that noone got him the ball in the flats on any of those pass plays.

nate salley is a really nice guy. i got to talk to him briefly at the autograph signing. i ment to talk to rob harley but didn't recognize him at first :(. oh and btw... kudla is HUGE! a great turnout to see some very good action on a beautiful day. was a blast!
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I believe rocketmann uploads DVD ISO's... you don't have to have that on DVD in order to rip it. If your ripping program cannot use a DVD-ISO-from-HD, get a program trial like Alcohol120% and mount a virtual drive with that ISO image.
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Reading several of the foregoing posts, my impression is that even though the OLine was divided up and some did not play, we are going to miss Mangold and perhaps Sims too, more than we imagined coming off the end of season games. Hope they improve/gel by September. If not, I suspect TX Ds will eat them up.
Go Bucks!
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Reading several of the foregoing posts, my impression is that even though the OLine was divided up and some did not play, we are going to miss Mangold and perhaps Sims too, more than we imagined coming off the end of season games. Hope they improve/gel by September. If not, I suspect TX Ds will eat them up.
Go Bucks!

Our top two linemen were out with injuries, so that could also be a factor. Theres still alot of practices left, so im not concerned about the offensive line at all.
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As far as attendence goes, that 63K number is lower than what was actually there. 63K was paid attendence. Anyone under 6 years of age got in free. I saw alot of little kids there.

Hell has frozen over, TG05 just made a truly great point :tongue2: - there were lots of lil' Buckeyes in the crowd today. Bums in seats likely well over 63.5K. I might just give him some green to keep afloat.

BTW, I am pretty sure Connor Smith was five rows down below our position in A-deck. A 10TV crew interviewed him and his mom around half-time.
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Some Spring Game Impressions

The wife and I made it into the stadium with seconds to spare before kick-off.

Situated with a corner end-zone view. It was hot as blazes, and a perfect hot Spring day for the game.

The first drive was by far the most coherent. Troy Smith led Scarlet down the field in efficient fashion. He looked all business and Scarlet cashed in for the TD.

The rest of the game featured these conssitent themes.

A -- The defenses (both Scarlet & Gray) played very well today. They are ball-hawks, :biggrin: which would be great tendency to bring into a transition year. I was fearing a huge drop-off at LB, boys and girls, that isn't true. If Hoobler (to name one) keeps his head on his shoulders he can do great things in a rotation scheme. Homan's named was called so often I thought it was an official part of the end of every defensive play by the Scarlet D. Freeman played up big for Gray.
B -- We have a wealth of talent at RB. Wells C. is all that and a bag of chips. :biggrin:
C -- Hartline and Hall, add them to Gonzo and Ginn as names that will figure heavy in our WR corps. Hartline for Scarlet reeled in pass after pass. Hall looked studly early, though he had what looked like a great TD grab taken away. Robiskie is another featured name on the Gray squad.

OK - we also have a wealth of talent at WR.

D - The back-up QBs look solid enough for the future in Boeckmann and Schoenhoft. The rabid Scarlet D made Zwick's life miserable, he had damned little time to adjust. This is more a praise of the Scarlet D than a jibe at Zwick. The Gray O-line was giving poorer pass protection than the Scarlet O-line, that was true all day. Off course it may also say a lot about the coverage the Scarlet D put on the primary receivers for Gray.

All in all, I highly encouraging outing by both squads.

To quote Rivals --

Free safety Jamario O'Neal, linebacker James Laurinaitis and cornerback Kurt Coleman had interceptions.

Ball hawks = turnovers. That would be just beautiful.
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10TVs Write-up

Here is the summary from 10TV's Site
Veteran Smith, Rookie Wells Show Their Stuff in Scrimmage

Apr 22 2006 5:43PM

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Troy Smith picked up where he left off and
Chris Wells introduced himself to 63,649 fans at sun-drenched Ohio
Stadium on Saturday.
Smith, the Buckeyes' star quarterback, made the most of his only
series by hitting all four passes in leading the Scarlet to a 12-0
victory over the Gray in Ohio State's annual spring intrasquad
Wells, the acclaimed tailback recruit, received a loud ovation
when he sidestepped one tackler and ran over another defender on a
9-yard run on his first carry.
A huge crowd caught some rays - and a glimpse of the latest
version of an Ohio State team that went 10-2 last season but lost
its back seven starters on defense.
Smith was virtually unknown when he was the first player taken
in the spring-game draft two years ago. Now the senior-to-be's name
pops up in early discussions of the 2006 Heisman Trophy.
Smith closed last season by passing for 300 yards and one
touchdown and running for 37 yards and another score in a 25-21
come-from-behind win at Michigan. In the Buckeyes' 34-20 Fiesta
Bowl victory over Notre Dame, he completed 19 of 28 passes for 342
yards and a TD and also ran for 66 yards on 13 carries.
Smith passed for 62 yards against the Gray, hitting tight end
Rory Nichol for 23 yards on the first snap from center. He and his
backup, Gray starter Justin Zwick, did not play after the opening
quarter. The defense was prevented from hitting either quarterback.
After they left the game, subs Rob Schoenhoft and Todd Boeckman
took over.
Many of the most familiar names were long gone by the time the
Scarlet went into the locker room up 12-0 at the half. Boeckman was
stopped on a sneak from the 1 on the last play of the half,
preventing Gray from getting on the board.
Game-breaking wide receiver and returner Ted Ginn Jr. saw only
limited action, catching one pass for 4 yards. He did not return
any kicks.
Wells, playing for the Scarlet, led all rushers with 48 yards on
11 carries. Erik Haw added 38 yards on 10 attempts. Maurice Wells
topped the Gray with 33 yards on 10 carries.
The Buckeyes' top tailback from a year ago, Antonio Pittman, is
still nursing a hamstring injury and did not play. Neither did two
likely front-line offensive starters (Doug Datish, Kirk Barton) and
defensive tackle Quinn Pitcock.
Smith led the Buckeyes 80 yards on the game's first possession,
capped by Haw's 4-yard touchdown run. Ryan Pretorius, a sophomore
who grew up in South Africa, added the extra point.
In the second quarter, the Scarlet went up 9-0 when lineman Todd
Denlinger tackled Maurice Wells in the end zone. The safety was set
up by A.J. Trapasso's 48-yard punt, downed at the Gray 1 by
defensive back Zach Willis.
After the free kick, Schoenhoft guided the Scarlet down the
field for Pretorius' 38-yard field goal. A redshirt freshman from
Cincinnati, Schoenhoft completed 2 of 4 passes for 22 yards and ran
11 yards during the drive. He finished 9-of-28 for 109 yards, with
one pass picked off by linebacker James Laurinaitis.
For the Gray, Zwick completed 4 of 6 passes for 32 yards, while
Boeckman was 13-of-27 for 189 yards with two interceptions.
Freshman Kurt Coleman picked off one of the passes with an
acrobatic, backward leap at the goal line, with Jamario O'Neal
grabbing the other.
Gray's defense was led by end Lawrence Wilson, who had a sack
and batted down a pass at the line.
Over his field microphone, the game referee repeatedly referred
to penalties against the "White" team instead of Gray. That was
particularly ironic because many fans have protested a new jersey
design that eliminates gray from the color scheme. The teams wore
traditional scarlet and gray jerseys for the scrimmage. The new
version will be worn in the fall.
In the first half, a message on the stadium scoreboard asked
fans to send thoughts and prayers to the injured Tyson Gentry at
Ohio State Medical Center. Gentry has gone through two surgeries
for a neck injury sustained in a practice two weeks. Ohio State and
Gentry's family have not revealed any details about his condition
or prognosis.
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Spring game thoughts

Saw the 2nd half on TV. Missed the 1st Half.

Abdallah, get him on the field! That kid is going to be a player. Great recruiting coup from LA. Secondly, the beat goes on at the WR position. I think Albert Dukes is going to have a good year. With Ginn and Gonzalez already established he can settle in.

12-0. I thought there be more scoring. Did they throw to Ginn in the 1st half much?

Did Coach Tressel pull some veterans early in the game? I noticed in the 4th that the OL was having some blocking problems on pass plays. Well whatever it is I'm sure they are correctable.
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Saw the 2nd half on TV. Missed the 1st Half.

Abdallah, get him on the field! That kid is going to be a player. Great recruiting coup from LA. Secondly, the beat goes on at the WR position. I think Albert Dukes is going to have a good year. With Ginn and Gonzalez already established he can settle in.

12-0. I thought there be more scoring. Did they throw to Ginn in the 1st half much?

Did Coach Tressel pull some veterans early in the game? I noticed in the 4th that the OL was having some blocking problems on pass plays. Well whatever it is I'm sure they are correctable.
Two of our top oline guys were not playing.

As for Ginn, from what I remember they only threw to him once and he caught it. He only played in the 1st half. But I don't remember seeing him much in the 2nd quarter, so it was more like 1 quarter and a half of the 2nd.
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