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2006 Spring Game info/discussion

What a great day in the Horseshoe. Players I thought stood out the most:

1. Smith. Marched his team down the field with little problems. Great command of the offense, found the open receivers, nothing more needs said.

2. The D-Line. Wilson was unblockable, Richardson looked great, Gholston is a freak, Denlinger blew up Mo for the safety, Abdallah was disrupting the offense. Wow. I know the offense was patchwork and missing some starters, but this line is going to take some pressure off the rest of the defense.

3. Hoobler. Four tremendous pass breakups. Looked like a DB out there. Very Hawk/Wilhelmesque in coverage. Could see some minutes in the middle.

4. C. Wells. His ability to get to the second level is what sets him apart as much as his power. He was able to start up the middle and cut outside, getting 7-10 yards at a time. Looked very comfortable on the screen pass too. I look for Pittman and Wells to probably get ~15 carries a game each.

5. Hall. Looked great early on, showed more speed today to gain separation and no drops that I remember. Could be very effective as a big possession receiver this year.

6. Hartline. Very much in the Tony G mold in how he has deceptive speed and always finds the seams, not afraid to make catches in traffic. Could be a great threat in the slot this year.

7. The secondary is bursting with young athletic guys. Could probably throw any combination of 7 or 8 guys out there and not skip a beat.

Very optimistic about the defense as a whole now. Expect some mistakes early from the secondary but the talent is definitely there. The D-line should free up the linebackers and cause some havoc in the backfield.
Upvote 0
Lots of fun today...perfect weather!

Chris Wells looks as advertised. (Beast...with vision & moves)

Hartline was everywhere. Gotta be the deapest WR core (along with one of the best) in the Big 10.

Can't say enough about the D on both teams. Lots of playmakers, just gotta get some experience playing as a unit.

sidenote...I ran into and said "Hi / Congrats" to both Terence Dials and Jessica Davenport (got them to autograph my 2006 Football Schedule) just wandering around the stadium (saw most of the Men's B-ball Team and about half the Women's). It was a sweet "extra" to an already awesome day.
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Rivals.com College Football Senior Writer
<SCRIPT language=javascript>                if (bIEWindowBrowser)                    document.write("");                else                    document.write("");                document.write("");</SCRIPT><!--START LINKS--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: 50% top" content target="_blank" signingday_consoleedge.gif);? images vmedia.rivals.com http:></TD><TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 9px; BACKGROUND-POSITION: 50% top; PADDING-LEFT: 9px; FONT-WEIGHT: bold" content target="_blank" images vmedia.rivals.com http: signingday_consolebg.gif);?><LI style="PADDING-RIGHT: 2px; PADDING-LEFT: 2px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; PADDING-TOP: 2px">[URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/content.asp?SID=1144&CID=517749"][COLOR=#896d45]The Spring Football Wire[/COLOR][/URL] <LI style="PADDING-RIGHT: 2px; PADDING-LEFT: 2px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; PADDING-TOP: 2px">[URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/content.asp?SID=1144&CID=536590"][COLOR=#896d45]Inside look at the Big Ten[/COLOR][/URL] <LI style="PADDING-RIGHT: 2px; PADDING-LEFT: 2px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; PADDING-TOP: 2px">[URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/content.asp?SID=1144&CID=536689"][COLOR=#896d45]OSU's Smith born to be a leader[/COLOR][/URL] </TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-POSITION: 50% top" content target="_blank" signingday_consoleedge.gif);? images vmedia.rivals.com http:>[IMG]http://vmedia.rivals.com/images/spacer1.gif[/IMG]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<!--END LINKS -->COLUMBUS - Almost four months later, [URL="http://ohiostate.rivals.com/"][B][COLOR=#896d45]Ohio State[/COLOR][/B][/URL] quarterback [B][URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/cviewplayer.asp?Player=3827"][COLOR=#896d45]Troy Smith[/COLOR][/URL][/B] picked up right where he left off. 
The offensive MVP in a 34-20 Fiesta Bowl victory over Notre Dame in January, Smith directed a touchdown drive on his only series Saturday and led the Scarlet to a 12-0 victory over the Gray before a crowd of 63,649 at Ohio Stadium. 
<!--Start  Image--><SCRIPT language=Javascript>document.write(insertImage('/IMAGES/Player/photo/TROYSMITH_04222006.JPG', '', 1, 267, 200, 1, 'Troy Smith picked up right where he left off in his lone drive during the Buckeyes\' spring game.', '', 1145745218000, '', 1014, 'Align=Left'));</SCRIPT><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=208 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=202>[IMG]http://vmedia.rivals.com/IMAGES/Player/photo/TROYSMITH_04222006.JPG[/IMG]</TD><TD width=6 rowSpan=4>[IMG]http://vmedia.rivals.com/images/spacer1.gif[/IMG]</TD></TR><TR><TD align=right>[FONT=verdana][SIZE=1]Associated Press[/SIZE][/FONT]</TD></TR><TR><TD height=3>[IMG]http://vmedia.rivals.com/images/spacer1.gif[/IMG]</TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle>[SIZE=1][B]Troy Smith picked up right where he left off in his lone drive during the Buckeyes' spring game.[/B][/SIZE]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- End  Image-->The Heisman Trophy candidate connected with tight end [B][URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/cviewplayer.asp?Player=3752"][COLOR=#896d45]Rory Nicol[/COLOR][/URL][/B] for 18 yards on the game's first play. Smith went on to complete all four attempts for 62 yards in the nine-play drive that sophomore tailback Erik Haw finished with a 4-yard touchdown run. 
[B][URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/cviewplayer.asp?Player=38034"][COLOR=#896d45]Ryan Pretorius[/COLOR][/URL][/B] kicked a 38-yard field goal and defensive tackle Todd Denlinger trapped tailback [B][URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/cviewplayer.asp?Player=52950"][COLOR=#896d45]Maurice Wells[/COLOR][/URL][/B] for a safety to account for the remainder of the scoring. 
"Troy did a good job distributing the ball," Ohio State coach [B][URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/viewcoach.asp?Coach=32"][COLOR=#896d45]Jim Tressel[/COLOR][/URL][/B] said. "He got the ball to the tight end, and where he needed it to be. 
"After the first drive I told coach (Jim) Bollman he's had enough. Let's let someone else take it." 
Backup quarterback [B][URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/cviewplayer.asp?Player=3844"][COLOR=#896d45]Justin Zwick[/COLOR][/URL][/B] also played sparingly. Tressel opted to give more repetitions to [B][URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/cviewplayer.asp?Player=52947"][COLOR=#896d45]Rob Schoenhoft[/COLOR][/URL][/B] and [B][URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/cviewplayer.asp?Player=3743"][COLOR=#896d45]Todd Boeckman[/COLOR][/URL][/B]. 
Schoenhoft completed nine of 28 passes for 109 yards and an interception. 
Boeckman was 13-of-27 for 189 yards, but had two interceptions. 
Heralded freshman tailback [B][URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/cviewplayer.asp?Player=63136"][COLOR=#896d45]Chris Wells[/COLOR][/URL][/B], a 6-foot-2, 225-pounder, drew a roar from the large crowd with a darting 11-yard run - his longest gain of the day. Wells was rated the top running back and No. 3 overall prospect in the Class of 2006 by Rivals.com. Wells rushed 11 times for 48 yards and caught a 9-yard pass. 
"The thing I was most impressed with about Chris Wells was that he looked like he's looked the whole spring," Tressel said. "He was comfortable and patient and has the ability to accelerate, and that's a big guy accelerating. 
"He wants to help, but he knows we have good guys he has to compete with. I was very pleased with him today, and this spring." 
Although the extended play of the backup quarterbacks surely was a factor, the Buckeyes could be encouraged by the play of their defense, which may be the key to the Buckeyes' national championship hopes next season. 
Ohio State must replace nine starters from last season's 10-2 team, but has some material with which to work - especially in the front four. 
Senior defensive end [B][URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/cviewplayer.asp?Player=3815"][COLOR=#896d45]Jay Richardson[/COLOR][/URL][/B] notched two sacks for 15 yards in losses. Sophomore end [B][URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/cviewplayer.asp?Player=3774"][COLOR=#896d45]Vernon Gholston[/COLOR][/URL][/B], sophomore tackle [B][URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/cviewplayer.asp?Player=33768"][COLOR=#896d45]Nader Abdallah[/COLOR][/URL][/B] and sophomore end [B][URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/cviewplayer.asp?Player=52952"][COLOR=#896d45]Lawrence Wilson[/COLOR][/URL][/B] also had sacks. 
True freshman linebacker [B][URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/cviewplayer.asp?Player=63129"][COLOR=#896d45]Ross Homan[/COLOR][/URL][/B] counted a sack among his eight tackles, which was second only to sophomore linebacker [B][URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/cviewplayer.asp?Player=3771"][COLOR=#896d45]Marcus Freeman[/COLOR][/URL][/B]'s 10 stops. Free safety [B][URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/cviewplayer.asp?Player=52944"][COLOR=#896d45]Jamario O'Neal[/COLOR][/URL][/B], linebacker [B][URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/cviewplayer.asp?Player=52943"][COLOR=#896d45]James Laurinaitis[/COLOR][/URL][/B] and cornerback [B][URL="http://collegefootball.rivals.com/cviewplayer.asp?Player=63125"][COLOR=#896d45]Kurt Coleman[/COLOR][/URL][/B] had interceptions. 


Upvote 0
Well it was a great game. Record attendence for the game. We didn't get our same seats from 2 years ago. Not a real shocker there.

We started off sitting in the 6B section(I'm looking at the seating map, not totally sure). Right in front of where the deck hangs over. We ended up moving at halftime to section 1B in the box seats.

So if you went, where did you sit?
Upvote 0
Spring Game Box Score

I posted this in the Spring Game thread too, but if people didn't see it, here is the box score again:


<!--File source:C:\TASFB\06SPRING\REPORTS\GAME.SUM--> Scoring Summary

Scoring Summary (Final)
2006 Ohio State Football Spring Game
Gray vs Scarlet (Apr 22, 2006 at Columbus, Ohio)

Gray vs. Scarlet
Date: Apr 22, 2006 Site: Columbus, Ohio Stadium:
Attendance: 63649

Score by Quarters 1 2 3 4 Score
----------------- -- -- -- -- -----
Gray................ 0 0 0 0 - 0
Scarlet............. 7 5 0 0 - 12

Team QT Time Play GR-SC
SCAR 1 7:13 Erik Haw, 4 rush (Ryan Pretorius kick) 0-7
SCAR 2 7:04 -safety- 0-9
SCAR 2 2:26 Ryan Pretorius 38 field goal 0-12

Kickoff time: 1:06 End of Game: 3:38 Total elapsed time: 2:32
Temperature: 71 Wind: Weather: Sunny

<!--File source:C:\TASFB\06SPRING\REPORTS\GAME.TEM--> Team Statistics

Team Statistics (Final)
2006 Ohio State Football Spring Game
Gray vs Scarlet (Apr 22, 2006 at Columbus, Ohio)


FIRST DOWNS................... 14 17
Rushing..................... 2 5
Passing..................... 12 11
Penalty..................... 0 1
NET YARDS RUSHING............. 53 115
Rushing Attempts............ 20 31
Average Per Rush............ 2.7 3.7
Yards Gained Rushing........ 81 122
Yards Lost Rushing.......... 28 7
NET YARDS PASSING............. 221 171
Completions-Attempts-Int.... 17-33-2 13-32-1
Average Per Attempt......... 6.7 5.3
Average Per Completion...... 13.0 13.2
TOTAL OFFENSE YARDS........... 274 286
Total offense plays......... 53 63
Average Gain Per Play....... 5.2 4.5
Fumbles: Number-Lost.......... 0-0 2-1
Penalties: Number-Yards....... 4-30 4-24
PUNTS-YARDS................... 3-135 3-139
Average Yards Per Punt...... 45.0 46.3
Net Yards Per Punt.......... 45.0 46.3
Inside 20................... 0 0
50+ Yards................... 0 0
Touchbacks.................. 0 0
Fair catch.................. 0 0
KICKOFFS-YARDS................ 0-0 0-0
Average Yards Per Kickoff... 0.0 0.0
Net Yards Per Kickoff....... 0.0 0.0
Touchbacks.................. 0 0
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD. 0-0-0 0-0-0
Average Per Return.......... 0.0 0.0
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD 2-32-0 1-20-0
Average Per Return.......... 16.0 20.0
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD.. 1-18-0 2-34-0
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD. 0-0-0 0-0-0
Miscellaneous Yards........... 0 0
Possession Time............... 20:12 27:48
Third-Down Conversions........ 2 of 9 5 of 13
Fourth-Down Conversions....... 1 of 4 2 of 5
Red-Zone Scores-Chances....... 0-0 0-0
Sacks By: Number-Yards........ 1-2 4-27
PAT Kicks..................... 0-0 1-1
Field Goals................... 0-0 1-1

<!--File source:C:\TASFB\06SPRING\REPORTS\GAME.IND--> Individual Statistics

Individual Statistics (Final)
2006 Ohio State Football Spring Game
Gray vs Scarlet (Apr 22, 2006 at Columbus, Ohio)



Rushing No Gain Loss Net TD Lg Avg
Wells, Maurice 10 35 1 34 0 11 3.4
Boeckman, Todd 5 23 12 11 0 6 2.2
Gantz, Joe 2 7 0 7 0 7 3.5
Zwick, Justin 3 16 15 1 0 1 0.3
Totals... 20 81 28 53 0 11 2.7

Passing Att-Cmp-Int Yds TD Long Sack
Boeckman, Todd 27-13-2 189 0 31 2
Zwick, Justin 6-4-0 32 0 10 2
Totals... 33-17-2 221 0 31 4

Receiving No. Yds TD Long
Hall, Roy 5 66 0 26
Robiskie, Brian 3 59 0 25
Frost, Marcel 3 12 0 8
Dukes, Albert 2 30 0 20
Potakar, Dan 2 19 0 12
Larson, John 1 31 0 31
Ginn Jr., Ted 1 4 0 4
Totals... 17 221 0 31

Punting No. Yds Avg Long In20 TB
Thoma, John 3 135 45.0 50 0 0
Totals... 3 135 45.0 50 0 0

Punts Kickoffs Intercept
All Returns No.Yds.Lg No.Yds.Lg No.Yds.Lg
Laurinaitis, James 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 18 18
Russell, Anderson 0 0 0 2 32 17 0 0 0
Totals... 0 0 0 2 32 17 1 18 18

Field goal attempts

Kickoffs No. Yds TB OB Avg



Rushing No Gain Loss Net TD Lg Avg
Wells, Chris 11 48 0 48 0 11 4.4
Haw, Erik 10 38 0 38 1 11 3.8
Schoenhoft, Rob 9 29 7 22 0 8 2.4
Smith, Troy 1 7 0 7 0 7 7.0
Totals... 31 122 7 115 1 11 3.7

Passing Att-Cmp-Int Yds TD Long Sack
Schoenhoft, Rob 28-9-1 109 0 19 1
Smith, Troy 4-4-0 62 0 18 0
Totals... 32-13-1 171 0 19 1

Receiving No. Yds TD Long
Hartline, Brian 7 88 0 19
Nicol, Rory 2 33 0 23
Lyons, Devon 1 18 0 18
Gonzalez, Anthony 1 18 0 18
Wells, Chris 1 9 0 9
Ullery, Brent 1 5 0 5
Totals... 13 171 0 23

Punting No. Yds Avg Long In20 TB
Trapasso, A.J. 3 139 46.3 55 0 0
Totals... 3 139 46.3 55 0 0

Punts Kickoffs Intercept
All Returns No.Yds.Lg No.Yds.Lg No.Yds.Lg
O'Neal, Jamario 0 0 0 1 20 20 1 34 34
Coleman, Kurt 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Totals... 0 0 0 1 20 20 2 34 34

Field goal attempts
Pretorius, Ryan 2nd 02:26 38 yds - Good

Kickoffs No. Yds TB OB Avg

FUMBLES: Gray-None. Scarlet-None.

<!--File source:C:\TASFB\06SPRING\REPORTS\GAME.DEF--> Defensive Statistics

Defensive Statistics (Final)
2006 Ohio State Football Spring Game
Gray vs Scarlet (Apr 22, 2006 at Columbus, Ohio)

## Player Solo Ast Tot TFL/Yds FF FR-Yd Intc BrUp Blkd Sack/Yds QH
1 Freeman, Marcus 3 7 10 . . . . . . / .
2 Jenkins, Malcolm 4 3 7 . 1 . . . . / .
32 Mitchell, Brandon 3 3 6 . . . . . . / .
33 Laurinaitis, James 2 4 6 . . . 1-18 . . / .
98 Penton, Joel 3 2 5 . . . . 1 . / .
93 Abdallah, Nader 3 1 4 1.0/5 . . . . . 1.0/4 .
87 Wilson, Lawrence 1 3 4 1.0/2 . . . 1 . 1.0/2 .
21 Russell, Anderson 2 1 3 . . 1-0 . . . / .
46 Larson, John 1 2 3 . . . . 3 . / .
24 Roberts, Mike 1 . 1 . . . . . . / .
39 Dougherty, Michael . 1 1 . . . . . . / .
78 Barrow, Alex . 1 1 . . . . . . / .
38 Spitler, Austin . 1 1 . . . . . . / .
41 Haslam, De'Angelo . 1 1 . . . . . . / .
49 Lukens, Ryan . 1 1 . . . . . . / .

## Player Solo Ast Tot TFL/Yds FF FR-Yd Intc BrUp Blkd Sack/Yds QH
51 Homan, Ross 5 3 8 1.0/4 . . . . . 1.0/4 .
99 Richardson, Jay 4 . 4 2.0/15 . . . . . 2.0/15 .
44 Terry, Curtis 2 1 3 . . . . . . / .
19 Underwood, Brandon 2 1 3 . . . . . . / .
3 O'Neal, Jamario 2 1 3 . . . 1-34 . . / .
9A Denlinger, Todd 2 1 3 . . . . . . / .
52 Kerr, John 2 1 3 . . . . . . / .
20 Washington, Donald 2 1 3 . . . . . . / .
50 Gholston, Vernon 1 2 3 1.0/8 . . . . . 1.0/8 .
41 Grant, Larry 1 1 2 . . . . . . / .
29 Coleman, Kurt 1 1 2 . . . 1-0 1 . / .
14 Smith, Antonio 1 1 2 . . . . 1 . / .
34 Williams, Marcus 1 . 1 . . . . 1 . / .
97 Patterson, David . 1 1 . . . . . . / .
96 Garnier, Juan . 1 1 . . . . . . / .
1B Harden, Derek . . . . . 1-0 . . . / .
35 Patterson, Nick . . . . . . . 1 . / .

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hey, guys,
I am extremely sorry that my first post is used to ask if anyone has had the chance to taped the spring game today. my wife, son and i went to the game. it was WILD! i was very very impressed with the kind of support and ethusiasm our fans pours out there today. the entire stadium was closed to be filled. i would think that all the future prospect recruits who have attended today's event should be more than impressed. it should be an eye openning experience for all of them.
at any rate, i set the clock on my vcr to tape the game while we were gone. however, my son had reached to turn the cable box off right before we left without me knowing it. as we got home, i realized that the tape was full of 2 hours of NOTHING!!! therefore, i am wondering if any of you have had recorded the game and is willing to spare an extra copy of it to me. i am willing to pay a reasonable price if a copy is available. appreciate for all the help, guys. thanks.


osu.edu ROCKS!!!
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I think our defensive line this year will be much superior to last years.

Penton, Pitcock, Patterson, Abdallah, Delinger all rotating at the tackle spots, with Richardson, Barrow, Gholston, Wilson, and maybe Rose rotating at the ends.

I tend to agree with you. However, I have to admit while I was watching the game I was asking myself if the D-line was that damn good or if the O-line was playing that poorly? The D-line just looked two steps faster and a heck of a lot stronger then the O-line. In cases like this you probably have to assume that the D-line isn't that great and the O-line isn't that bad. With that said, the top 9 or 10 D-lineman could be the best group in the country...there aren't any guys at DT that can be blocked with just one guy...I'm excited by the prospects of this D-line...they will take sooo much pressure off of the new DB's and LB's early in the season.
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I tend to agree with you. However, I have to admit while I was watching the game I was asking myself if the D-line was that damn good or if the O-line was playing that poorly? The D-line just looked two steps faster and a heck of a lot stronger then the O-line. In cases like this you probably have to assume that the D-line isn't that great and the O-line isn't that bad. With that said, the top 9 or 10 D-lineman could be the best group in the country...there aren't any guys at DT that can be blocked with just one guy...I'm excited by the prospects of this D-line...they will take sooo much pressure off of the new DB's and LB's early in the season.

I think that the D-line has better depth than the O-line, so when the 2 groups are split, the defensive line has an advantage. However, with that in mind, both defensive lines were still very impressive today.
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