And more meltdown of the
Rivals variety
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=1 vAlign=top width=150>DefendLloydNow
user profile
Post #1
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I was ban BEFORE the game for saying Lloyd is an idiot. So now I</TD><TD class="" vAlign=bottom noWrap align=right 1="">
will tell you what I really think. Not only is Lloyd and idiot who should be coaching a little league time, opps no he doesn't teach fundamentals, never mind.
I'll be ban again and again for stating the truth...another double digit lead...GONE.
Hey Mods..whats worse me calling Lloyd an idiot...or Lloyd DESTROYING our program. Not that you guys should care as long as you continue to collect your monthly fee...its all about the money to you and lloyd.
Lloyd can not be defended any longer its a joke