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Allons enfants de la Ohio
Le jour de gloire est arrivé!
Contre nous de la tyrannie Clemson
L’étendard scarlet est levé
L’étendard scarlet est levé

Aux armes, vous citoyens
Formez vos bataillons
Marchons, marchons!
Qu’un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons!

Forward, young patriots of Ohio
The day of glory has arrived.
We go to fight the tyrannical Clemson.
The Scarlet flag is raised,
The Scarlet flag is raised

To Arms, you citizens.
Form your battalions
March on, March on!
Let their impure blood
water our fields.

Game Day, Flag is up! Go Bucks!
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I’m going to sound like an alcoholic but I’ve had a few drinks already but I’m not sorry.

Walking back from the kitchen after getting ice ready to read this thread:

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Good morning Buckeye Nation!!! Wakey wakey. Santa has come and gone and it's time for a Fiesta!!!! Attempt to space out the booze. The wait is over. It's PLAYOFF GAME DAYYYY!!!!! TIME.2.GET.PUUUUUUMMMMPPPPPEEEDDDDD!!!!

Fuck Clemson and shit down their throats. A Tiger rug would really bring my room together.


Found it
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