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Bauman deserved it too.
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Feeling good / confident about this team and about this game. We’re the underdog but our coach isn’t yapping about it. We’ll be back to full strength on D, we have 3 weeks rest and we’ve been tested by some solid and physical teams. Clemson will be fast and they’ll be a very tough out. They’ve been here before but I sense we’ve got the edge. We should respect them but not fear them. Play loose, play disciplined D and play our game.

JK is so key for this game. Hope the line is ready to maul a young DL and we emphasize setting up manageable 2nd / 3rd downs to keep series alive and keep our D off the field. We've got some absolute gamer WR / TEs that will make plays and pickup chunks (Butter, KJ, Mack, Wilson). We need a clean game from our OL and we need Fields to be prepared to throw the ball away vs taking the sack.

On D, it starts with focusing on stopping Etienne on the ground. I do expect he’ll pickup chunks with quick screens. They’ll move the ball but we’ll have success slowing them down in the red zone. Press their WRs and trust in our secondary to make plays. Need a spy on Trevor and we need someone to have a big game opposite Chase.

Can’t wait for kickoff and can’t wait to see Dabo’s smug face walking off in defeat.

Buckeyes 38 - Tigers 24
I’m with all of this. I think this is JK’s game. Offense is too dynamic if they play clean. Defense just needs to maintain and get a handful of stops.
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I’m with all of this. I think this is JK’s game. Offense is too dynamic if they play clean. Defense just needs to maintain and get a handful of stops.

I am feeling nervously confident about this one if that is possible. Kinda the same feeling I had when OSU played Alabama in the semis couple years back. I truly believe the O-line will wear Clemson down if we can grab the lead early and put up some quick scores, then play power football in the trenches. Tailgating in the Grey lot, and will be providing vocal support from section 443 on the good guys side. Gotta finishing loading up and start driving north. O-H!
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I am feeling nervously confident about this one if that is possible. Kinda the same feeling I had when OSU played Alabama in the semis couple years back. I truly believe the O-line will wear Clemson down if we can grab the lead early and put up some quick scores, then play power football in the trenches. Tailgating in the Grey lot, and will be providing vocal support from section 443 on the good guys side. Gotta finishing loading up and start driving north. O-H!
I've said it before, but I've been quietly confident going into this game. The disrespect OSU has been getting just makes me think they come out and beat Clemson down. People are WAY overreacting to OSU's "struggles" the last 3 games in my opinion.
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I've said it before, but I've been quietly confident going into this game. The disrespect OSU has been getting just makes me think they come out and beat Clemson down. People are WAY overreacting to OSU's "struggles" the last 3 games in my opinion.
Probably a little bit of a "victim of their own success" When OSU was curb stomping all comers, people moved the bar northward. Then when the competition stepped up, the results didn't match that early dominance... though, still relatively dominant.
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