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#1 Ohio State 68, Penn State 60 (Final)

25-17 Penn State and only they can shoot the ball. They are getting out hustled to every ball, they get no rebounds, and they can't guard anyone for shit. Even when they do guard penn state they make the shot anyway. Stop screwing around buckeyes.
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I hate the 3-ball game we play. Oden is the only one who showed up tonight. Eventually we need to learn that we are an average 3-point shooting team and the strength is in Oden. Cook and Butler are the only two "good" outside shooters on the team... unless you're Lewis and the opponent is NC.
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What happened to Conley? He's been on the bench for a long time, with just 1 foul. The team's playing without a PG right now as Butler rests.

He's back in now. Made a FT.

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Buckeyedynasty;759135; said:
Your right about that. They better dominate in the second half because the longer they let PSU hang around the better chance they have of losing.

screw dominating...it's about getting the win at this point.

Cook is 1 for 6! from the field.

I won't even look up Ron Lewis....

I can't see the game, but from the stats it seems to me that maybe they are pressing a bit (with the notable exception of Oden)...I wonder if anyone else is seeing that?
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