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#1 Ohio State 66, #3 Wisconsin 49 (Final)

sandgk;778968; said:
OK tacticians, how does Mata reset the personnel on court in the 2nd half to get Oden his touches, while limiting the risk of him accumulating fouls?
Same starting 5 and tell them to throw it in or sit

also players who don't play defense don't play (as much)
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[quote='BusNative;77894;7]New Drinking Game for the Tournament proposal

Simple Rules:
1. 1 shot if commentator mentions:

a. How losing his right wrist may have helped Oden develop
b. Oden and Conley were high school teammates, etc.
c. Mike Conley, Sr. was a gold-medal triple jumper

2. 2 shots if commentator mentions:

a. Ron Lewis' transfer
b. Hunter's "wingspan"
c. Oden versus Durant first pick of the draft, etc.
d. Oden getting all the attention, but Conley is actually a great contributor

3. Drink whole bottle if commentator mentions:

a. Florida
b. Football national championship
c. Jim O'Brien

Last man standing wins.[/quote]

I just took two
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