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#1 Ohio State 66, #3 Wisconsin 49 (Final)

man....every time I watch us play, I keep trying to give Cook another chance. The fact is, I'm just not a fan of this guy's game at all. He's obviously had some nice games....but he's a total chucker. He does nothing but look to shoot every time the guy touches the ball. It's like he badly wants to take the spotlight as the teams star....so he's forcing it.
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bgantz;778934; said:
man....every time I watch us play, I keep trying to give Cook another chance. The fact is, I'm just not a fan of this guy's game at all. He's obviously had some nice games....but he's a total chucker. He does nothing but look to shoot every time the guy touches the ball. It's like he badly wants to take the spotlight as the teams star....so he's forcing it.
I disagree. He was supposed to be our second best freshman this year after Oden. He had some big games early on this season, and has hit a cold streak. He is trying to get his rhythm back. If Thad has confidence in him still, I do too.
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I never understand how that isn't an offensive foul and Tucker. He does that all the time jumping into guys and lowering his shoulder. That should be an offensive foul imo.
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bigballin2987;778937; said:
I disagree. He was supposed to be our second best freshman this year after Oden. He had some big games early on this season, and has hit a cold streak. He is trying to get his rhythm back. If Thad has confidence in him still, I do too.

My issue is that he's forcing it. He's taking ill advised shots and looking for any chance to try to try to get in a rhythm. He needs to take it when it's there, and move the ball when it's not. Get to the rim, stop taking long jumpshots early in the possession with no regard to the rest of the offense. I feel like he's a blackhole when he gets the ball...it never goes to anyone else.
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bgantz;778945; said:
My issue is that he's forcing it. He's taking ill advised shots and looking for any chance to try to try to get in a rhythm. He needs to take it when it's there, and move the ball when it's not. Get to the rim, stop taking long jumpshots early in the possession with no regard to the rest of the offense. I feel like he's a blackhole when he gets the ball...it never goes to anyone else.
You could say that a couple players on this team. Who who would you rather see sub in instead of Cook?
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New Drinking Game for the Tournament proposal

Simple Rules:
1. 1 shot if commentator mentions:

a. How losing his right wrist may have helped Oden develop
b. Oden and Conley were high school teammates, etc.
c. Mike Conley, Sr. was a gold-medal triple jumper

2. 2 shots if commentator mentions:

a. Ron Lewis' transfer
b. Hunter's "wingspan"
c. Oden versus Durant first pick of the draft, etc.
d. Oden getting all the attention, but Conley is actually a great contributor

3. Drink whole bottle if commentator mentions:

a. Florida
b. Football national championship
c. Jim O'Brien

Last man standing wins.
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