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'09 KY ATH Justin Green (Illinois Signee)

1st team All-State Defense

Louisville Courier-Journal


December 25, 2008

The 5-foot-11, 180-pound two-way back is considered by some scouting services as the top prospect in the state. He's the only Kentucky player among Rivals.com's top 150 national prospects.
Green missed three games this season with a knee injury, but he was still one of the state's most electrifying players.
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Scout (free) -- USAAB East Tuesday Morning MVP

Justin was the 1st runner up mentioned for MVP of the East morning session this morning.

Justin Green: Green made some terrific plays. When people log on to Green's Scout.com profile they probably view him as just a speed player, but today he proved that he can come up and lay the wood as well. He made a few good plays against the run and he probably had the play of the day when he reached up and snagged a pass away from a receiver in the end-zone.
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Rivals.com Football Recruiting - All-American Bowl: East Hot 11 (free)

DB Justin Green
5-11/178, Louisville (KY) Male

This Kentucky speedster is more than a track star. He demonstrated quick feet while in his backpedal, excellent hips when breaking on the ball and serious ball skills. He was able to show off his hands as he made a leaping interception on a deep ball. He was hampered with a groin pull so we were unable to see his blazing speed on kick returns today.
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Male's Green to play in all-star game on NBC
By Jason Frakes ? [email protected] ? January 1, 2009

Justin Green will get to showcase his football talents before a national TV audience Saturday.

The Male High School senior is in San Antonio this week preparing for the U.S. Army All-American Bowl. Kickoff for the game matching the nation's top seniors is set for 1 p.m. EST on NBC.

"It means so much to me to be able to compete with the best," Green said. "This is nothing like what I'm used to playing against. Everyone is good down here. You have to come to play every snap."

The 5-foot-10 Green, who has committed to Ohio State, made his name as a speedy running back and linebacker at Male but said he'll likely play free safety for the East team Saturday.

He has felt a bit rusty during practice this week because his last competition came in early December.

"It's kind of hard," said Green, the only player from Kentucky selected for the game. "I actually tweaked my groin (Tuesday) because I haven't done anything for a while. But I'll be all right. I'm just glad to have a chance to play."

He arrived in San Antonio on Monday and attended that night's Alamo Bowl game between Missouri and Northwestern. Players also will visit Six Flags and San Antonio's famed River Walk.

Male's Green to play in all-star game on NBC | courier-journal | The Courier-Journal
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Smooth Olaf;1370831; said:
At the AA game, Green wasn't with the rest of the Buckeye commits when they were showcased. Wood, Simon, Brown, and Bell were the only ones shown during the Buckeye segment.
He was a day late getting in. Not proven, but the clip may have been recorded the first day before he arrived?
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