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'09 JUCO CB Mike Edwards (Hawaii Signee)

methomps;1591178; said:
Players get in trouble everywhere. It isn't always a failing of the coaches/program.

Not always, but it often is at least an influence, and a strong one at that. I don't think there is any argument that the structure of the OSU program is far different from that at Tennessee. The point was that a program without a strong one in place wasn't, in my opinion, the best decision for Mike to put himself in that situation.
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bigdog3300;1591211; said:
Not always, but it often is at least an influence, and a strong one at that. I don't think there is any argument that the structure of the OSU program is far different from that at Tennessee. The point was that a program without a strong one in place wasn't, in my opinion, the best decision for Mike to put himself in that situation.

Please discuss and compare the structure of each program.
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Smooth Olaf;1591242; said:
Blame the individuals, not the programs. I hold them accountable for their own actions. They are grown men after all.

Thank you! Programs have almost nothing to do with whats going on through the minds when 18-21yo kids make bone headed decisions. It's easy to sit here as tOSU fans and say our coaching structure is different/better, when in reality its really not. Our players get in trouble as well, if not DUIs, to trying to get prostitutes, kids will sometimes do and make dumb decisions and the coaching staff has nothing to do with it. You can't tell me if Edwards or the other kids went to tOSU that they possibly wouldn't do the same thing here.
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Smooth Olaf;1591242; said:
Blame the individuals, not the programs. I hold them accountable for their own actions. They are grown men after all.

I wish those teen-agers could be grown men but some youngsters take a lot more time to "Mature" than others. It would be different if we could look into the minds of these super athletes to see whats going on at the time of thier greatness. At times they sound like they are pretty solid in thier thoughts and quotes but then they turn around and do a complete 180, and make you scratch your head with the bone-head decision they make. This will never end in my opinion. You just have to hope for the best in these blue chippers
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Attempted robbery victim: UT players should stay on team
Updated: Nov 12, 2009 7:09 PM EST

"I think they should still be able to play football, regardless," he said. "Tennessee is my place. It's my football team."

"Even after they put a gun in your face, you say let them play football?" 6 News asked.

"Yeah, it's Tennessee. That's the way it is sometimes," Zickefoose said.

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