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'07 FL WR Deonte Thompson (Florida signee)


Senior wide receiver Deonte Thompson, who was not activated for the game, was named to the U.S. Army All-American team, where he will suit up for the South squad later this year. Snead will also make the trip to Texas.

"This is a great honor for us as a school, it's the first time a Glades Central player has gotten this recognition," Snead said.

Thompson wasn't so subdued: "I'm one of the best. I'm going to represent my city and school."
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[FONT=Verdana,Arial, Helvetica]Thompson gets honor[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial, Helvetica] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Published October 24, 2006[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Verdana,Arial, Helvetica] Wide receiver Deonte Thompson made school history Friday by becoming the first Glades Central player to be chosen for the U.S. Army All-American Bowl.

His selection was officially announced during a pep rally attended by Florida coach Urban Meyer.

"It was very exciting. I was so happy," Thompson said. "There have been so many great athletes here, so for me to be the first [selected to the game], it was a great feeling."

The game, which will be played at 1 p.m. Jan. 6 in San Antonio, will be televised live on NBC.

As a junior, Thompson caught 35 passes for 764 yards with 12 touchdowns and was named first team All-State.

Thompson has not committed to a school yet but recently took an official visit to Louisiana State and has another scheduled to Southern California in November. He has also taken an unofficial visit to Florida.

Thompson has been injured the majority of this season, and he found out two weeks ago that he had been playing on a broken foot. He was cleared to begin conditioning this week. Thompson will miss another game Friday, but he expects to be back for the Muck Bowl against Pahokee on Nov. 3.
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Belle Glade Glades Central wide receiver Deonte Thompson plans to set up an official visit with the Hurricanes.

The 6-foot, 190-pounder also is considering LSU, Florida, Southern Cal and Ohio State.

Thompson is the nation's fourth-ranked wide receiver and the No. 4 overall prospect in Florida.
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crazybuckfan40;648290; said:
I wouldnt get your hopes too high...:(

I agree, but FWIW, on the BN free board, HH said things are looking better and better with Thompson everyday, and that he's really bonding with coach Hazell.

I think he ultimately stays in Florida somewhere, but if we can get him up here on the 18th...
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westbuck04;648296; said:
I agree, but FWIW, on the BN free board, HH said things are looking better and better with Thompson everyday, and that he's really bonding with coach Hazell.

I think he ultimately stays in Florida somewhere, but if we can get him up here on the 18th...

I've heard that if he doesn't go to Miami, he'll go out of state... And we are his top OOS choice at this point... FWIW.
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westbuck04;648296; said:
I agree, but FWIW, on the BN free board, HH said things are looking better and better with Thompson everyday, and that he's really bonding with coach Hazell.
HH is an eternal optimist for FL recruits (he was always very positive about OSU's chances with Hornsby). Let's hope he's right on this one.
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