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'07 FL S Major Wright (Florida signee)

Yea, obviously, take whatever he says with a grain of salt.

Anyway, I don't see how Wright's academic situation could be a problem. The kid has a 3.6 GPA and 1100+ on the SATs, I think he can pretty much get into any Div-I team he wants to based on academics alone.
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dingyibvs;731476; said:
Yea, obviously, take whatever he says with a grain of salt.

Anyway, I don't see how Wright's academic situation could be a problem. The kid has a 3.6 GPA and 1100+ on the SATs, I think he can pretty much get into any Div-I team he wants to based on academics alone.

I think it was a problem about some classes he didn't have... It's resolved now though, and likely won't be a problem...

I echo what 45 said... Back and forth info... Earlier this week it looked like UF, now it may have swung back to tOSU... We'll all find out soon though who it is, and it is safe to say that Major may be the only one that knows for sure right now...
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dingyibvs;731466; said:
Well, Damien Berry, who was on the visit with Wright to Miami this weekend, has stated that Wright will not be attending OSU, so take that FWIW.

Not worth much with me...all along Berry has been trying to predict all his buddies to Miami just because he is going there. Don't know the other details on Berry, but that's what I have seen. Wright's decision should be interesting though. I certainly don't think Wright is overrated though. I just think he makes big hits when he can and makes a lot of them. He looked great against the best competition available in the AA game and I didn't see him miss any tackles, though he did make some big hits.
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Major Wright was also in Coral Gables this weekend, and his decision will also be a nail biter. For the past two months I've heard Wright was leaning heavily to Ohio State, but a quick look at the Buckeyes commitment list on Friday shows they've got four other safeties (who all happen to be from Ohio) committed. Maybe some of those guys can play cornerback, or the Buckeyes might be projecting Wright to play linebacker at the next level (which I do because of his size and hitting prowess), but I highly doubt he signs somewhere that already has four safeties committed.

Does that mean UM is favored for Wright? Again, don't bank on it. But don't bet against it.

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Getting your recruiting info from a commitment list off Rivals is ridiculous...this why it is ill-advised to get your recruiting info from a local newspaper. Those in the know with regards to OSU's class know that Clifford and Torrence could be getting a look at WR or CB and Oliver likely projects as an OLB. Pentello and Wright would be the only true safeties coming in, and as the article suggests, even Wright could be getting a look at OLB some day.
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wadc45;732018; said:
Getting your recruiting info from a commitment list off Rivals is ridiculous...this why it is ill-advised to get your recruiting info from a local newspaper. Those in the know with regards to OSU's class know that Clifford and Torrence could be getting a look at WR or CB and Oliver likely projects as an OLB. Pentello and Wright would be the only true safeties coming in, and as the article suggests, even Wright could be getting a look at OLB some day.

You took the words right out of my mouth...:biggrin:
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