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'07 FL S Major Wright (Florida signee)

CleveBucks;729840; said:
Florida now has interest in Jerimy Finch per Scout. Would they bring in Finch if they thought they had Wright in the bag?

Honestly I think the Finch visit is more of a token visit to the South and I there are michigan fans that think that Rojo might try and talk to him about michigan while they visit UF.

The one thing to think about tho is that when Finch declared for Michigan early in the season he said UF was his 2nd choice, so maybe he does have an interest...

Still not sure on Wright...At this point I give us a 33.3333% chance as this could go one of 3 ways...
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A Florida fan arguing with a Michigan fan on an Ohio State message board...I love it!

For the record, BP has a pretty strict policy about not posting info from MySpace...the NCAA has not stepped in on this topic as of yet, and we feel it is better to be safe rather than sorry. So in the future, let's keep the MySpace references to an absolute minimum.

dingy, I understand your optimism...however the news the BPRT has been getting with regards to Major has been very back and forth and back and forth lately. Most recently things sounded VERY positive for Florida right up until the OSU admissions department supposedly gave Major the green light. I have no idea where that leaves things for Major but I can tell you it gives OSU fans to remain optimistic since Major fell in love with OSU during his visit for the Michigan game. I understand you are getting your info from completely different sources than we are and there is no way to independently verify the info so why don't we just see what news surfaces after his visits are complete.
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Well, Damien Berry, who was on the visit with Wright to Miami this weekend, has stated that Wright will not be attending OSU, so take that FWIW.

Honestly, I'm not too hyped about him, never was. Yes, he looks incredible on highlight films, but those are just highlights. He always goes for those big hits, and the highlights only show when he actually hits the guy, he misses quite a bit too. In fact, he misses a lot, which is an absolute no-no for a safety, the position he wants to play. He really reminds me a lot of Kyle Jackson, who was a 5-star safety at UF. He started his freshman year, but has since been benched by Meyer for missing numerous potentially TD saving tackles because he always goes for the big hit. I think Wright needs a LOT of coaching to be able to contribute and maybe like Jackson, he'll never get it(well, to be fair to Jackson, he WAS benched in favor of Reggie Nelson, and he still has one more year left).
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