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'07 FL S Major Wright (Florida signee)

His teammate Quinn may be even better, he's gonna be a stud recruit next year. Carlos right now he's more of a freak athlete than a stud DE, although that's more because he's such a rare athlete than because he's not producing at the DE spot. He had 105 tackles, 35 tackles for loss, and 24 sacks this past season.

As for Major, rumor has it that he's gonna commit any day now. The Florida camp does sound very optimistic, and I haven't heard much about him and Miami lately.
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OWUBuckeye51;728626; said:
Commit to where dingy?

dingyibvs said:
The Florida camp does sound very optimistic, and I haven't heard much about him and Miami lately.

Obviously he doesn't know for sure but is saying that the UF people think they have a good shot...

Let's not start with the panicing and negativity just yet...
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