H&G let me begin be saying that I have read number of your posts and really appreciate your insight. With that being said, I think using the term agent with regard to Aarons' father involvement is a little harsh. Very,very few kids at this age have the ability,maturity, wisdom and insight to process the volumes of information that is thrown at them from prospective colleges. Any parent that has had a child that is talented enough to be recruited by several schools regardless of the sport can attest to that. Mr. Brown's involvement serves to be a guide in helping his son look at the situation now and in the long run. He's also giving him perspective from his past experiences to aid Aaron in making the best informed decision that he can. George's work schedule and most importantly, his love for his son gives him the time and resources to be that mentor for his son. Ultimately, the decision will be Aaron's. There is a very practical reason for his involvement. Unfortunately, some understandibly think that it may be over the top. Aaron's father's input is the reason he has become the fine young man and player that so many covet now. I hope this explanation can in some way allay some of your suspicions.