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Search results

  1. Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

    Whatever. It's obvious you are like in 9th grade. I'll just turn the ignore button on. Anyway, Weis was throwing his guys under the bus from what I saw in the press conference. He was blaming Quinn and their return guy who fumbled, David Grimes, for the loss. Weis came out and said that Brady...
  2. Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

    Do you have to act like that? First off, I'm not a Michigan fan. I'm a BUCKEYE fan. Secondly, I watch Michigan closely, heck scratch that, I watch college football closely. Michigan's defense and defensive line in particular have been consistent for 3 games straight. They've done the same thing...
  3. Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

    It was on ESPNews. I don't think it's on anymore though.
  4. Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

    Pretty much said it was all Quinn's fault they lost. Didn't really take any of the blame. Was just being his usual arrogant self.
  5. Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

    I'm not talking them up at all. Just calling it how I see it. The Michigan trashing isn't warranted. Notre Dame is a pretty good team, a Top 25 team, not top 3 team, and Michigan just went into South Bend and beat the living shit out of them.
  6. Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

    Joseph Barksdale- probably going to drop them after that. Greg Little - heard he's a pretty big North Carolina lean, and this didn't help them out today at all. Jimmy Clausen - I'm thinking USC might come into play if they can dominate Nebraska tonight and wipe the floor with ND at the end of...
  7. Nebraska 10, USC 28 (final)

    Hope and pray for that kid. Hope he's alright. That was one of the ugliest injuries I've ever seen. It was just gruesome. Hope he can recover and comeback to play. Just terrible.
  8. Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

    Uhh, what games were you watching? They have one of the top 3 defensive lines in the nation and the best one in the Big Ten in my opinion. They have a real fast front 7 and when Crable and that kid Jamison were lined up in packages they were flying right past ND's OT's. Notre Dame has one of...
  9. Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

    Uhhh, they looked pretty good to me. Chad Henne still doesn't impress me that much. Made a bonehead decision early on but bounced back a bit. Mike Hart is one of the best backs in the nation. Their defensive and offensive lines won the battles up-front, and the only weakness I see on their team...
  10. Michigan at NOTRE DAME

    I don't know if I'm as ready to rip into Biakabatuka and Perry as Bruce Feldman. Biakabatuka did put up 300 yards against us on the ground. I'm still trying to forget that game. Biakabatuka's NFL career was cut short by various injuries. He never really had a fair-clean shot to prove himself on...
  11. Michigan 47, NOTRE DAME 21(final)

    These games are very rarely blowouts or lopsided with the exception of that 2003 game. I don't see it being 40-17 for either team. I see this game coming down to a FG or a TD. Michigan's D last season held ND to it's lowest point total and yardage output in 2005, with 17 points and 252 yards...
  12. Central Michigan 17, MICHIGAN 41 (final)

    Disagree. I think ND has a letdown after all the media praise they keep hearing all week. Michigan might lose, but they will not get throttled. These ND-Michigan games are always extremely close with the exception of that 2003 game. Michigan is a more talented team than Penn State. Anthony...
  13. Central Michigan 17, MICHIGAN 41 (final)

    I'll give him credit, he got burned but he caught up and got a piece of the ball with his hand to save what would've been a touchdown reception. Hall is a really good corner. Unfortunately for Michigan, they don't have anybody else at corner with any real game experience and both of there free...
  14. Joseph Barksdale (OL Arizona Cardinals)

    Notre Dame fans on NDNation and other various ND boards saying Big Joe dropped UT and tOSU. Say they lead for Joe with Michigan in 2nd place. Take it all FWIW. ND fans are known for being well, being over-confident when it comes to recruits.