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Joseph Barksdale (OL Arizona Cardinals)

osugrad21;599574; said:
Scout $


Joseph says he will take all of his visits and favors Ohio State, Texas, Notre Dame, Tennessee, LSU, Miami and USC.

Nice to see us listed first, excellant way to start a Saturady. I can now type my report with a smile on my face. I hoping I feel as blessed about midnight tonight.
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Notre Dame fans on NDNation and other various ND boards saying Big Joe dropped UT and tOSU. Say they lead for Joe with Michigan in 2nd place. Take it all FWIW. ND fans are known for being well, being over-confident when it comes to recruits.
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South Bend Tribune

Benn headlined weekend visitors

<!--END Headline--><!--Extra Eyebrow Field--> COLLEGE FOOTBALL
Tribune Staff Writer

<!--Extra Break if needed--> SOUTH BEND-- Several high-profile high school players made official visits Saturday for Notre Dame's home opener against Penn State.

Headlining the list was Washington, D.C.'s Arrelious Benn, rated the nation's top wide receiver by CSTV recruiting analyst Tom Lemming.

"It looks like Notre Dame's got a big lead," Lemming said.

<!--START Inline Ad--><!--END Inline Ad--> Lemming warned however, that because Benn was visiting so early in the recruiting cycle -- signing day is Feb. 7 -- it's important for Notre Dame to receive a verbal commitment from him.

"It's really important for Notre Dame to get him locked up before he leaves," Lemming said.

Also visiting were Knoxville, Tenn., safety Harrison Smith, who has narrowed his finalists to Notre Dame and Tennessee. Detroit defensive tackle Joe Barksdale, who was visiting unofficially and is expected to make an official visit for next Saturday's Michigan game, is down to Notre Dame and Ohio State, Lemming said.

Also visiting officially was offensive linemen Trinton Sturdivant of Wadesboro, N.C., who is committed to Georgia. Defensive tackle Ian Williams of Longwood, Fla., and offensive lineman Chris Little of Jeffersonville, Ga., also visited.

"It's an uphill battle for both," Lemming said in reference to Williams and Little.

LeMont, Ill., linebacker Aaron Nagel and Allison Park, Pa., linebacker Steve Paskorz visited unofficially. Both are already verbally committed to Notre Dame.
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