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Search results

  1. VivaApplewhite

    Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

    Hello from Austin Hey Buckeyes. I haven't been on this board since Vince Young and AJ Hawk took it too each other but I wanted to drop in and say good luck in the game. I think the OSU fans have a lot of class and wanted to wish you well. Not too well, of course. Peace
  2. VivaApplewhite

    Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

    Welcome to Austin Hey buckeyes. Greetings from Austin. I hope everyone who comes down has a great time and you enjoy yourself. We have a groovy little town waiting for you...as well as a bad ass football team ;). I've told all my friends that Buckeye fans are the noblest and most educated I...
  3. VivaApplewhite

    Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

    Now that's what I'm talkin' about! I was really hoping you would take ND and you did. Great game buckeyes. Great game. Root for us tomorrow while we knock the perms out of SoCal helmets.
  4. VivaApplewhite

    And you think Texas doesnt have a chance?

    I have the same feeling going against SC as I did going against you guys: "Of course we'll win. We've got so and so, and so and so, offense is good, D is good. But then again they've got so and so, so and so, their offense is good, their D is good. But we'll win. Well, maybe not. Of course we...
  5. VivaApplewhite

    Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

    Hey buckeyes. First off I want to extend deep respect to your team. Ever since our game this year I've become a fan of Ohio State and in doing so have started to hate Michigan.....funny how they go together. Anyway, you guys have one hell of a team and I hope you stomp the beJesus out of ND (no...
  6. VivaApplewhite

    (unofficial) Rose Bowl thread - USC vs. Texas (merged)

    Hey buckeyes. First off I want to extend deep respect to your team. Ever since our game this year I've become a fan of Ohio State and in doing so have started to hate Michigan.....funny how they go together. Anyway, you guys have one hell of a team and I hope you stomp the beJesus out of ND...