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Search results

  1. tOSU Linebackers History (Merged)

    Depth at the Linebacker Spot Is it me or have we went after a bunch of linebackers in the last few years . Most of the blue chippers look away. i wasn't worried last year but another year has gone by. If these underclassmen aren't impact players, we are going to be scavenging for high school...
  2. West Virginia/JUCO/C.W. Post/Kean RB Jason Gwaltney (official thread)

    I think a Gwaltney and Cushing package deal would sound good for us. Does anyone know if Cushing has any visits yet? I should have said any visits left instead of yet. I know he has took some visits
  3. RB Maurice Wells (Official Thread)

    No I haven't just crawled under a rock Meyer to florida-HH has said in the past to worry more about Uf than GT Spurrier-SC-I think he will be scavenging all over the place the next month
  4. '05 GA WR/DB Carlos Thomas (South Carolina signee)

    i have! i think just getting involved will only make things harder for us. Our past has shown that it is hard to bring someone in from the south. But, come on Carlos were waiting for you. That was a nice first conversation from you Milliani(einstein)
  5. '06 MN DT Walker Ashley (Minny...no, maybe USC......no, PSU...no, Minnesota commit)

    I think us being the only school offering him to play DE will be the difference.
  6. RB Maurice Wells (Official Thread)

    I think Florida will be getting more involved with him as time gets closer to nloid. Spurrier might start giving him something to think about too. But, at the end of the day he will be ours.
  7. West Virginia/JUCO/C.W. Post/Kean RB Jason Gwaltney (official thread)

    He will be the second coming of MoC, but has a brain and we could use him for 3 or 4 years HH, what have you heard from MoW about talking with Gwaltney about a package deal .
  8. '05 GA WR/DB Carlos Thomas (South Carolina signee)

    I think we waited to long to get involved. Beating a dead horse
  9. LB Freddie Lenix (Cincinnati signee; transfer to Notre Dame College)

    I think he bleeds S&G all the way. The second coming of Mr. Doss....