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West Virginia/JUCO/C.W. Post/Kean RB Jason Gwaltney (official thread)

gobucks19 said:
Maybe he is stretching it out to see what happens with the allegations at tOSU right now. It sounds like that is still a concern for him. The longer this thing plays out, the better it is for tOSU. I still dont think he ends up here but I think are chances are higher than they were a week ago...
I think this may actually have been the most positive element pulled out of recent JG comments, the rest could be a smokescreen... but if he was committed to USC 100% he wouldn't care whether tOSU was cleared or not by the NCAA... maybe worthington can convince him (BC trip or not) that just like JG probation concerns him but its not gonna happen at tOSU anytime soon... any chance we can have urban meyer contact him and reassure gwaltney that tOSU's not headed for any trouble? :)

I think he really likes the idea of running out of the I for a national power next year that would give him a national stage so often next year... he's just really attracted to USC and the trouble at tOSU makes it seem obvious to choose USC. I'm sure the NCAA is gonna do a thorough investigation again, or at least deliberation of what they already know, before determining what their ruling will be (if there even is one). Unfortunately I don't know that such will come before NLOID, and I doubt we can ask Brand to politely give us a preview of what's coming (since he's already made it look very good for tOSU, and that should be enough to convince Gwaltney).
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I think my head is going to explode from reading all of these posts on a Monday morning... oh wait, Tuesday morning for you all... gotta love government holidays :biggrin: But back on topic.

This is just so frustrating, it makes me question why I really want to know or care about recruits. We are at the whim of 17-18 yr old kids and hang on their every word. In essence we give them all of the power. This just adds to their sense of entitlement and spoils the student/athlete.

Now back to Gwaltney. Like I have said before this kid is truly conflicted on where to go to college. Apparantly he has a favorite, but his family wants him to go somewhere else. But his favorite is not that big of a favorite that it outweighs what his family is saying. I do not envy his position. In this now world of the internet this kid is being pushed, pulled and twisted in every direction to tell us where he thinks he will go. Why can't this kid truly not know where to go just yet. He might be saying such things to drag it out, or trying to keep both sides happy, or he could actually be telling each side the truth and the truth of the matter is one minute he sees himself going to one place, but the next minute he sees himself going someplace else.

If you think back to your college choice I am sure some people didn't want you to go there, maybe your parents didn't want you to go there. Or maybe you went to the school your parents told you to go to. This is not easy for some people, there is no "hometown" team for him (Thanks to the horrible Big East)

I for one plan on taking what JG says with a grain of salt and not count him for either school he "commits" to until NLOID and the fax is sent in.
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I think a Gwaltney and Cushing package deal would sound good for us. Does anyone know if Cushing has any visits yet?

I should have said any visits left instead of yet. I know he has took some visits
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Scout lists Cushing's visits as follows:

USC 01/16/2005
Florida 01/28/2005
Miami 01/21/2005
Virginia 01/30/2005
Louisville 12/17/2004

Obviously, he could cancel one or more of the upcoming visits, but a trip to Columbus would nevertheless be unlikely: both Scout and Rivals show Cushing with zero interest in Ohio State.
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I think the one very under-rated part of this equation is Gwaltney's own self-doubt..this is a kid who verbaled to West Virginia early because they were really the first college to show him the "love"--and he truly didn't know if he was good enough to play right away at the next level...

Those that are speaking to Gwaltney right now are seeing a different kid---one who wants to suit up and play right away(after his SA trip, and the realization that he is just that good--at least in his own mind--which is 99% of the battle)

immediate playing time is going to be a big factor in his final decision.....probably THE biggest factor....
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If Jason thought he was the best back in San Antonio (and I have no reason to doubt that --- he looked great when he was given the ball and was a great ST player and pass blocker), then why would he want go to and play with Bush and White and Dennis, and maybe Chauncey Washington, when he could come here and basically be handed the starting job (Notice I didn't say he would definitely sit. If he is truly that good he could get a good amnt. of carries next year)? tOSU seems to be the best opportunity to me. Great airtime, great program, great coacing staff, great PT right off the bat, great chance to be the freshman phenom of this year, great chacne to win an NC year after year. In my mind it is a no-brainer, but that's because I wear my tOSU blinders 24/7.. :).
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