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Search results

  1. Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

    Yeah no.. I think Pryor is the douche did you see in the beginning of the game where is teamate patted his helmet and pryor pushed his hand away thats a douche, Barkley is a humble stand up kid!
  2. Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

    GG buckeyes, i have to admit this loss is on on your coaching staff but also give credit where credit is due, Barkley looked like a senior the last drive of the 1st half and the 2nd half you cant say he wasnt poised it was his decision making that led to usc's victory. Regardless these two teams...
  3. Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

    WEARESCUM!!!!! YouTube - Bill Withers visits USC Trojans team meeting Good luck bucks the USC strength comes with our fuel off one another.
  4. Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

    For those of you who have not taken the time to search it here is the weapon known as Matt Barkley that pete is hiding from you! YouTube - Highlights of QB Matt Barkley, #2 on the Takkle/SI Top 200
  5. Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

    Nice, I hope petey opens up the book you guys have to see what we see at practice the barkley you seen was childs play. I mean that with all my heart you can just search his name on youtube and compare it to the san jose game and realize pete really wanted to protect the kid. But i also think...
  6. Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

    1st let me start by saying i have nothing but respect for Ohio state and i truly hope if we fall to you guys in ohio that you guys come back to SoCAL for some unfinished buisness early 2010. But in regards to sflbuck you have shown no respect and or give no credit to usc. We played extremely...
  7. Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

    Hey now, im entitled to my opinion thats why you have the choice of putting your own top 5 up :)
  8. What Will Be the Buckeyes' Record in 2009?

    If ohio state goes undefeated that means they beat usc and with our #4 ranking theres no way you dont play in a national championship if All other teams ahead of you have 1 loss. You guys just better take care of buisness against whoever you play the slump needs to end this year.
  9. Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

    Call me crazy but oregons jerseys are sick to me to. The same way osu,usc,dames,and michigan say power oregons just says SPEED idk why..
  10. Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

    Ohio State Michigan Notre Dame USC Are consistant in all websites i checked all of our uniforms say POWER.
  11. Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

    College football’s best uniforms: #4 Southern Cal » 40 Acres Sports SC#4 SI.com - Photo Gallery - College Football's Best Uniforms SC#9 College Football Insider: Top 10 College Football Uniforms SC#5 No. 4: USC Trojans | Top 10 College Football Uniforms SC#4 GameSpot Forums - Off-Topic...
  12. Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

    They may be similar but damn its just something about that Trojan uniform that looks so damn powerful. But FUCLA? BOOOOOOO THIS MAN!!!!
  13. Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

    Michigan is my second favorite college football team. You have to admit "SCUM" have some beautiful home team uniforms!
  14. What Will Be the Buckeyes' Record in 2009?

    Depends, If you beat USC you guys have a great shot at going undefeated, you should have defeated penn state last year and the game vs Texas was probably the best out of all Bowl games i was routing for you.
  15. Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

    TOP 5 College football jerseys 1.USC 2.Michigan 3.Florida State 4.Notre Dame 5.Georgia/Ohio state Tie