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Search results

  1. bucksarenuts

    RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

    What does it mean when JT told beanie not to send in his draft paperwork
  2. bucksarenuts

    WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

    I would have to disagree with you on that. When Ginn came to Ohio State he ran a 4.45 40. TP runs a 4.3. That seems a bit faster. TP has 5 inches on Ginn and is a Freshmen. Wait till next year.
  3. bucksarenuts

    Weekly Upset Picks - 2008

    ariz st
  4. bucksarenuts

    Weekly Upset Picks - 2008

  5. bucksarenuts

    Big Ten Network (BTN)

    Thanks a million man. That is what I was looking for. I just called them and he said hell yea they will be on more than on TV:gobucks1:
  6. bucksarenuts

    Weekly Upset Picks - 2008

    Sorry I know what I meant. Alabama over georgia
  7. bucksarenuts

    RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

    I think that we will run the option but not with beanie. I would like to see a 100% saine in the option but Mo Wells would be nice to.
  8. bucksarenuts

    Big Ten Network (BTN)

    Posted the message before I seen the post buddy. I am just not sure on the answer.:osu:
  9. bucksarenuts

    Big Ten Network (BTN)

  10. bucksarenuts

    Weekly Upset Picks - 2008

    Alabama over LSU
  11. bucksarenuts

    RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

    I agree with you on that no option thing. Beanie is not an option back. He is a between the tackles guy.
  12. bucksarenuts

    Big Ten Network (BTN)

    I thought that only in the big ten area did DTV or dish have that. I dont think that they get it there.
  13. bucksarenuts

    Big Ten Network (BTN)

    How to watch the GAME Guys I am traveling to Oklahoma for work friday night and want to watch the game on sat. Since people in Ok do not get big ten network how can I watch the game? PLEASE HELP
  14. bucksarenuts

    Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

    My intro Born and raised in Bellville, oh. Went into the military in 2000. Got out got some education and moved back to the best state in the U.S. I am happily enjoying my first house in Pickerington with my wife for now 5 years. Easily converted her into a FAN as well. I love the buckeyes...
  15. bucksarenuts


    Your words are going to be heard. I hope this loss changes our beloved buckeyes :gobucks1::gobucks2: