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Wow, that was the best post I have seen for a while. It was so good I cut and pasted it into a email to all my football friends and family. I could have sent the link but I wanted to make SURE they read it. It said everything I wanted to say and all the thought I couldn't think.

You know what would really piss off the college football world? A rematch against USC in the Orange Bowl. I doubt it would happen. I am not really sure we could win but win or loose the fallout (fall out, not loosing our 3rd strait NC game) would be fun to watch. I would imagine there will be a playoff system introduced next year if the polls "force" a OSU-USC rematch in the Orange Bowl. That is the only though of mine not already covered. Considering the amount of stray thoughts I have that is incredible.
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great post as usual oh8ch. You described things I wanted to say in an intelligent and rational way. I am glad I didn't submit my posts when I was emotional the days following the game. I would have probably been banned. anyways great post, keep them coming.
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